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Push Comes to Shove-Part 4

Jiraiya was right. This fight did hurt. In fact, the last time he was this badly beaten in a once sided fight, Tsunade had caught him peeping on her in the hot springs. If he didn't get medical attention fast, Jiraiya was certain death would descend upon him. Pa and Ma were bested and sent back to the mountain where they would no doubt report this incident to Naruto, if not Tsunade. Man was she going to be pissed off at him.

'Damn! And here I was hoping to fix things and set Naruto on the path I wanted for him by proving my superior strength. Oh well, maybe my death will be just as effective since the brat does appreciate those who act as martyrs for a cause,' thought Jiraiya while he let a small chuckle leave his mouth.

"You shouldn't laugh Jiraiya. I have won. You have lost. The time has come for you to die," said Pein while a chakra rod was in his hand and ready to stab the Sannin.

Only for a sudden orange flash manifest itself and Naruto was there glaring down at the Toad Sannin.

"I figured as much. Look at what he did to you. Its bad enough you fled when those two kunoichi from that kunoichi only village came regarding your promise, but you had the never to run after Tsunade tried to beat some sense into your perverted ass. She told you not to come here and do this. You practically committed treason for disobeying her. And for what? To make sure the prophecy stay focused on me and not on him!" said Naruto angrily before he glared up at Pein.

"Kyuubi Jinchuriki. You made a fatal error in coming here of all places. And to save him no less," said Pein while Naruto snarled.

"I didn't come here to save his dumb ass out of the goodness of my heart. I came to bring Ero-dumb shit back to Konoha so Tsunade could heal him up just so she can beat him bloody all over again. Pa and Ma only came here when summoned by the baka so they could put a Hiraishin tag on him so I could interfere shortly after they got knocked off his dumb ass. Good thing too since not even Tsunade can repair the loss of his arm if left off for two long. Still, with all the groping he did on women, whether consensual or not, it seems fitting he lose at least one of them," explained Naruto before he kicked Jiraiya in his already broken ribs for good measure.

"No respect," whispered Jiraiya while Naruto glared at him.

"Considering you tried to grope my Mother when she was slightly drunk one night and thought you could get away with it, you should have lost your raisin sized balls years ago! Just another reason for me to fight and beat the living shit out of you!" exclaimed Naruto before he picked up the Sannin by the back of his coat.

"You will not be leaving here with him. He knows too much. As do you," said Pein while his three remaining Six Paths to Pein surrounded them.

"And you think you do? Itachi was Jiraiya's spy. He told this idiot everything and past it along to the Sandaime. After the old shit monkey died, it went to the Gondaime. Not only that, but I have it on good authority that you aren't the true leader of the Akatsuki. Just the puppet. Ironic considering you command quite a few of them around us," said Naruto with Pein showing emotions on his Paths with each one scowling.

"I am a God. My eyes are that of one. You will fall to me," said Pein while Naruto just scoffed.

"Like I haven't heard that one before today. Also, the masked idiot calling himself Uchiha Madara? He's not the real deal. Just an Uchiha for a student using his name. If he were the real Uchiha Madara, the fool would wear the armor of the man, and not act like a total idiot in front of others from the start," said Naruto while Pein narrowed his eyes at this and so did Konan.

"Why tell me this? To divide us?" asked Pein while Naruto shook his head.

"No. So you are aware of him lying to you. So you can be ready for when he betrays you for the real plan for having all the Biju. Or did you really think he would be honest with you regarding the purpose of the giant statue several rooms away?" asked Naruto since the Toads had been to Ame earlier to scout ahead and saw the statue itself before Jiraiya was even ready to come here.

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