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10:42 pm
Elevator 3
Vantae fashion house

Before he heard a response, he felt her lips right on his, and that enough for him as a damn response.

His phone had been tossed to the side, not what he cared about at the moment as all that was on his mind at the moment was the woman he felt, right there.

Her fingers tangled deep in his hair, as his hands only went to her waist, propping her and pulling her closer to him than she already was, his other hand right at her neck.

Taehyung wasn't one for kissing, he had always thought that the feeling was probably overrated from all the movie scenarios.

But he was now, at this moment, as he kissed her deeply, exploring every crevice of her mouth, feeling her soft lips on his and their ragged breathing.

The fact that they were strangers who had met just a few hours ago had left their minds, as his hands went to unbutton the top button and push her shirt to the side, to get better access to her unscathed skin, it looked like a canvas to be marked on.

As they pulled apart for breath, he didn't even let her catch hers as his lips went to her neck, softly kissing her skin, letting his teeth graze over a few parts as he went to her shoulders, all the while loving how erratic her breathing sounded, the little whimpers she let out as he knew she liked what he was doing, the way her fingers tightened in his hair, it all felt like a sensational override.

Just as he was about to go lower, she stopped him, as he was brought back to his senses about their whereabouts.

"Sorry. We're still strangers in an elevator. And to be fair I don't know who you've... well.. you know...:slept with." She spoke shyly and embarrassed as she looked down slightly, and he saw the blush abundantly clear on her cheeks, not sure whether it was from the kiss or embarrassment, however, he couldn't help burst out laughing.

"..yes, yes... I'm sorry. I guess.. I just got carried off in the moment." He replied sheepishly, still hiding his laughter as she straightened her appearance up and moved slightly away.

His subconscious must've taken over him, as his hand raised and brushed the side of her lip, as she looked at him wide eyed, the disappearing blush coming back immediately as he lowered his hand.

Just then did he realise what he did as he cooled down and tried to play it off his best.

"Ah sorry, there was smudged lipstick." That I wanted to remove, he answered, raising his finger to show the lipstick mark as her hand also rose to her lips.

He could tell she was slightly flustered, and he found it charming how just a minute ago she was completely into a kiss, and then hear she was blushing over the slightest skin ship.

"It's gone,don't worry." He reassured, as she nodded, slowly bringing her hand down and moving to the corner, resting her back and head against the walls.

"Have you ever met the boss?"

The elevator | Taennieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن