Chapter 1

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Tw: mentions of blood and stabbing. Before we start this book may contain violence so that is  your TW.

I was wandering through the woods looking for my brother Scott.

I sighed in distress when my flashlight started going darker and darker until it eventually gave out. I needed to find Scott, and I couldn't turn back all the way to my mom's car. So I did the only sensible thing,I  used my umm let's say 'special abilities' for now!

I looked every place possible. Ranging from  behind the lonesome tree's and in between bushes.

I was searching quite awhile when I caught a scent.

I stopped in my tracks when I noticed the smell I was picking up was of blood. It started out in small, tiny droplets, which lead to bigger foot prints,eventually leading to a huge pile of blood.

Let's just say I got curious and went to check it out. What I found didn't really shock me. I mean this is Becon Hills we're talking about here people

Oh you must be wondering what I found. Well I found a man! He was kind of just sitting on the roots of an old tree.

The man looked at me,looking back and forth in my eyes, as if I was going to hurt him. When he realised I was not going to harm him he calmed down (just a tiny bit though). With that I tore the left and right arms off of my, well Stiles' checkered shirt, tying them together and wrapping it around his waist to stop any bleeding.

His stab wound was in his lower stomach area. I held my hands on the wound in the hopes it will help in some way

"Where does it hurt?" Was the first thing I could ask. I mean I acted like I knew what I was doing when in reality, I was fucking terrified, and had no clue what was happening

"My stomach " he replied with a cocky, duh you couldn't have guessed that tone. He was acting too sassy for a man who was bleeding out

He didnt sound from around California. He sounded british. I'm not going to lie to you, he was very attractive. Judge me all you want, but if you had seen such a handsome guy bleeding out, you would have thought the same.

I put pressure on the wound and try to distract him by asking the most idiotic questions known to man.

"Not from around here are ya?" I said making fun of his accent. Which backfired since I ended up sounding more like a second hand Niall Horan ordered on wish

"How'd you guess?" He said with a faint smile.

"I heard the lovely accent" I said with light laugh. Trying not only to distract him but me aswell "Come on let's get you to a hospital"

At this point I had forgotten about my brother Scott. In the back of my mind I knew he was okay.

He replied with a short but hasty "no" I was kind of not understanding why, so I asked! Guys I swear I have a brain, but ADHD makes you do crazy things for the adrenaline

"You're bleeding out, and plus my mom's a nurse she'll take good care of you", I said helping the man up, and man he was heavy!  He was beginning to work up my anxiety levels by refusing to go to the damn hospital

I just met the dude and he gives me more stress than Stiles has in the last 12 years I've known him.

" I saw you.",he paused, "I mean I saw your hand  glow earlier as you approached me, I know you're a supernatural"

Great AND he is a supernatural creature.
Couldn't be any better!

my fangel, Klaus Mikaelson (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin