chapt. 2

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Welcome to Decilis Academy!


"Welcome to our school, Miss Park!" the pretty woman says, making big gestures with her hands, showing off the Academy proudly.

I bow slightly and respectfuly at the young lady in front of me, giving her a small smile to show her I am thankful for her hard work.

Never thought it will be so hard to get to know a school. And never thought I will need this. The young lady didn't show me even half of the school, and we've been walking for an hour.

But she doesn't even look exhausted. She looks like she has been drinking energy drinks her whole life, walking and talking effortlessly for an hour straight without giving a sign of being tired out.

"I'm sure you will love our school as much as I do." the young lady says, smiling continuously.

How can she be so active? I swear this woman runs thousands of miles daily to have such stamina.

"I hope you have read our rules carefully. We don't want any trouble around here. Our Academy is known for having the best students."

"Yes, Miss Minatozaki." I smile back at her, hoping that we will stop this guide soon.

I keep moving my books from hand to hand, being visible exhausted while my hands are not able to hold anything anymore. She might have realized that, but she doesn't seem like she cares. In fact, she just glances at me, thinking that her smile and giggles will make me feel alright, which don't.

Suddenly, she stops on her tracks, looking left and right as if she remembered something important on the spot.

"Hm, I think I forgot to show you something, but I cannot recall what have I missed. Sometimes this school seems so huge for me that I forget where I am heading to, haha! Excuse me a second, dear." she takes me by my shoulders and moves me aside to make herself some way, making me glance at the map of the school on the wall.

This school has a map... This place is enormous.

"Oh, silly me. I forgot to show you the other side of the campus as well. Please, follow me."

Oh, so we are not done yet.

There are so many rooms, classes, laboratories and even libraries that I can't even count all of them. Never imagined a school can be this... equipped.

"So, during your interview, you said that your special abilities are 'Telekinesis', 'Hydrokinesis' and 'Strenght'. Am I right?" she asks me while flipping pages in her notebook as she speaks.

"Yes, Miss, that is correct."

"Hm, interesting." she bites the tip of her pen a little, thinking. "You see, we don't have many kids with so many abilities like you. Most of them have only one power, but I guess you are one of a kind." she closes her notebook and looks at me, having the same smile plastered on her face like when I firstly stepped into this school.

"Thank you" I bow, giving her a genuine smile.

Even though I lied. And I guess I am one of a kind for a reason. Maybe my ability might be lying people.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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