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Season 7, Episode 1

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Season 7, Episode 1

"With you I'm born again"


"Maeve!" Lexie shouts rushing up to the blonde. Throwing her arms around her shoulders, she takes the blonde by surpise. Maeve has taken a few weeks off, after she was discharged, staying with her brother Charlie in Florida for a bit, and then with her other brother, Nolan, who is still in Seattle.

"You're back." Lexie smiles pulling away. Maeve smiles lightly. "Yeah. How are you?"

Lexie has been put into psych for a while. The now brunette nods, as the two walk down the hallway. "I'm good, better."

"That's great. Sorry, that I didn't call to make sure you were okay. I had to get away from it all for a while." Maeve apologises.

Lexie shakes her head. "Don't apologise. I understand, and I have to say, I did pretty much the same." They walk for a good minute in silence, before Lexie speaks up again.

"Oh, did they tell you? Theres this psych evaluation, to see if we're fit to operate again." Lexie rambles. "It's stupid if you ask me. I mean I'm fine but he just won't sign that stupid paper. Almost everyone else got cleared."

Maeve chuckles. "Don't worry, you'll get cleared soon. I should talk to the guy probably as well, already missed so long."

"Hey." Jackson runs up behind them, looking straight at Maeve. Smiling at the man, Lexie and Maeve greet him back as he falls in step with the two.



"How are you." He asks, looking more at Maeve than Lexie. Maeve nods. "Better. As good as I can be. How are you doing, with everything, I mean?"

"I'm fine, it's still weird, nothing is really the same anymore. I'm probably gonna look for a new apartment, because, you know." Jackson nods walking by Maeve side. Nodding understanding, Maeve looks at the ground before them. "But I got cleared for surgery, so that's a good thing." Jackson smiles.

Lexie groans from Maeve's other side in annoyance. "Way to rub it in my face."

Maeve and Jackson look at the brunette amused, walking down the stairs, to stand amongst the crowd of doctors, who are waiting by the nurses station on Derek and some kind of speech.

With a loud thud the door opens and Derek followed by April, Cristina and Meredith walks inside. While the crowd applauds, Derek walks straight to the stairs, and up some steps to overlook the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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