Chapter twenty three

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Camila's POV
It had been two weeks since the girls had unexpectedly dumped a puppy on me and at first I wasn't sure how Truffle would fit into my busy schedule, but so far keeping her in my trailer while I did scenes was working out well.

Kj would also happily look after her when he was watching my scenes or sitting in my trailer waiting for me.

All of the cast and crew now knew about Kj and I's relationship and swore to keep it a secret as we didn't want the paparazzi to get wind of what was going on between us, then our lives would never be our own again. We would be constantly followed and would never be able to stay out of the public eye either.

That's why we started to keep our distance a bit more while at work, the paparazzi would do anything to get even one glimpse of us together so Kj stopped walking me back from scenes and we would usually meet in our trailers. Although he was still living with me, we still needed to see each other throughout the day. Especially during the past two weeks as it has been our last two weeks of filming the end of the season.

I was now leaving the set of my last scene for the season and was absolutely exhausted, excited to finally get to see Kj for the first time today.

Wondering back the familiar path to my trailer started to not feel as safe as it usually did when not having Kj or any of my friends with me. Almost everyone else of the cast were done for the season so everything was strangely quiet.

I started to feel my chest tighten with the familiar fear of Jack following me. He had been keeping himself as the picture of innocence around the rest of the cast, never putting a foot wrong but I caught him giving me looks I wish I never noticed.

The sound of scraping feet in a distance behind me was all I needed to hear for my pace to speed up. The darkness that was slowly taking over the sky made it easier for me to quickly round a corner so I could sneak between two trailers and walk out the other side of them, I turn my head to check my surroundings when my body immediately making contact with someone else's, my eyes snapping up to meet Kj's brown ones.

I let out a sigh of relief, wrapping my arms around his torso to pull him into a hug that he instantly reciprocated, my nerves and anxiety melting away.

"You okay? Why were you in such a rush?" He chuckles against my hair, kissing the top of my head.

"Yes, yeah of course.. I was just keen to find you" I say, looking up at him, seeing that he wasn't fully believing me "I'm okay really, I just knew we were already running late, we should probably get going before we miss it" I force a smile and he nods, pressing a kiss against my lips before I let go of him and kept an arm firmly around my waist as we walked away from the trailers. Not knowing if what she heard before she ran into Kj was real or all in her head.


Arriving at the party was quite bitter sweet, although I felt nothing but happiness when entering the front door on Kj's arm. I still had lingering thoughts about the last cast party I had been at when I found out about Charles on going affair, which was still a painful memory but that night lead me to be in the arms of the person I loved most. So in a way it was all worth it.

We spent the first half of the night greeting other friends and colleagues, catching up with as many people as possible, Kj's arm never leaving my waist the entire time. We of course having as many shots as possible too. We wanted to celebrate what we hoped was another successful season.

We were now situated on one of the many couches in the corner of the room, Lili and Cole opposite us on another couch having there own seperate conversation. I sat sideways on the couch so my legs were across the top of Kj's and his hand gently caress my leg while we sat, in that moment, in comfortable silence.

I took a sip of my champagne, my earlier incident completely out of my mind now that I was surrounded by my friends. My eyes found there way back to Kj who was still looking at me like he had been doing for the past minute "What are you staring at Apa?" I smirk, taking another sip. I was starting to become more than just tipsy now.

"You. Thinking about how beautiful you look and how happy I am to have you on my arm tonight" he smiles, his hand running up and down my lower leg still.

"I'm glad to be here with you too" I smile sitting up a bit more so I was closer to him "Although I would much rather if we were alone right now" my tone quieting as I fiddled with the top button of his shirt.

"Well we could get out of here. We don't need to do the whole cake thing do we?" Kj chuckles, his hand sneaking further up my leg towards my skirt. I playfully roll my eyes as I push his hand away "Kage you play the main character. You can't just leave" I chuckle and kiss his cheek "As soon as that's done we can go. I promise"

He let out a sigh that was much more dramatic than it needed to be but I found he got that way when he was drunk. He got dramatic and clingy like I had learnt not long ago. I didn't blame him for his reaction though, these sorts of things like cutting the season wrap up cake were always dragged out by the crew members.

"We'll be cutting the cake in 5 minutes everyone!" I glanced over at Roberto as he made that announcement, chuckling softly as I knew everyone was too drunk to comprehend what he was even saying "I'm just going to use the bathroom" I smile at Kj, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before I stood up, only to be immediately pulled back down so my face was level with his "Don't take too long" he whispers kissing me again, this time it lasted a lot longer than just a peck.

After finally escaping Kj again I made it to the bathroom that surprisingly had a very small line up considering how many women were here tonight.

I freshened up my makeup even though I knew Kj preferred me with more natural makeup I thought I would do a little bit more in case things went the way I thought they would be going tonight.

Finishing up, I heard a knock on the outside of the bathroom door "One second" I say, unlocking the door in the process only to stop dead in my tracks, seeing Jack looking down at me, smirking.

"Let's talk"

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