Chapter four

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Camila's POV
Camila was awoken by her alarm blaring in her ear from the bedside table, reaching across she hit the snooze button just as she felt Charles shifting uncomfortably in the bed beside her.

After she had finished the scene with Kj the day before she never got a chance to speak to him about their....moment. Meaning once the scene was completed they both went their seperate ways almost immediately, they both knew they weren't up to discussing it.

Being back in her and Charles apartment made her uneasy knowing she had practically cheated on the man right beside her with his best friend but Charles will never find out, she was going to make sure of it. She attempted to shift out from under the covers, wanting to find Lili before her first scene, she would have an answer to solve this mess. Lili and her had grown almost inseparable since they had shot the first season of Riverdale, of course now that they were both in relationships they saw each other less than they would like.

Before her feet had the chance to meet the floor she was pulled back into the hard chest of her boyfriend. Charles planted a soft kiss to her cheek "Morning babe" he says in a husky morning voice, she almost cringed at the pet name 'babe' he constantly uses for her, she hated pet names. She rolls over, facing him "Good morning".

Charles carefully moves a piece of her hair from her forehead. Her and Charles had bought an apartment together in the past month and she loved waking up next to the person she loved each morning, well the person she thought she loved.

"I heard you come home late last night, where were you?" She asks, she wanted to ask him as soon as he arrived home about where he had been but he was beyond drunk, she knew she wouldn't get any sense out of him so she waited for him to sleep it off "I went out to a bar with Drew, Casey, Mads, Vanessa and" he rubs the side of his, like he was searching his brain to piece together what had happened last night, that or trying to dull the headache he no doubt had "Clara, that was it" he says, stretching his arms.

"We would have invited you and Kj but your scene was still shooting so late and we thought you would be too worn out to go" he adds, he was right about her being tired but him being out at a bar without her made her nervous, she always noticed him flirting with other girls if she ever went out with him, but thats what it always seemed to be, harmless flirting. She just hoped he controlled himself last night.

"It's okay, I'm glad you had fun" she says with a small smile. She watched his face form into a frown while staring at her neck "Whats that?" He asks, reaching up to touch the bruise that had formed on her neck over night. Kj's damn hickey.

She had to think fast "That was you, when you got home. You don't remember?" She says with a slight chuckle "I only remember immediately falling asleep once I laid down" he says.

She shakes her head in a playful manner "How drunk were you? We made out for a few minutes before you started complaining about being tired so I put you to bed" she says, trying to make her lie as believable as possible.

Thank god he's probably not thinking straight because he seems to buy it "Right, uh sorry about that" he says, rubbing the back of his head, leaning forward Camila pecks his lips "Don't worry about it, I'll leave you some pills on the table for you to take before you leave for work, but I really need to go" She says, finally getting up from the bed.

She quickly changes into a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie, throwing her hair up into a bun and putting on a jacket on over the top. She hated Vancouver's winters, they were freezing. She went into the medicine cabinet that was located in the kitchen, taking out two pills and placing them down on the kitchen counter along with a glass of water 'I'll see you on set later!" She calls out to Charles before collecting her keys and exiting her apartment.

Kj's POV
Kj rubs his face in between flipping pancakes, exhausted from dealing with a drunk Clara all night. All she wanted was sex but he didn't want to take advantage of her and after his kiss with Camila it confirmed that he wanted her in his life- no needed her in his life. He had never wanted someone more, he had been hiding his feelings for years and as much as he hated to admit it, Clara was almost only a distraction from his true feelings.

He watches Clara stumble out of the bedroom, still partially drunk as she took a seat on one of the stools by the kitchen counter "I missed waking up next to you this morning" She says, starting to pour herself a cup of coffee that Kj had freshly made a few minutes earlier.

"Me too, I just thought you deserved the bed to yourself" He says "How was the bar?" He asks.

Clara shrugs her shoulders, bringing the coffee cup up to her lips, taking a long sip "It was fine, the only remotly interesting part was watching Charles searching for his hook up while drunk and by the time he found her they were both barely able to stand, they both fell over and just ended up making out on the floor" She chuckles, putting her coffee back down on the table.

Kj turns away from the frying pan to face her "Wait what? Charles was with another girl?" He asks shocked. Clara nods as if this whole situation was nothing "Yeah he meets up with her almost every weekend" she says, snorting a small laugh "Camila is oblivious to it obviously".

Kj was at a loss for words, Charles was his best friend and he never thought he would cheat on someone, especially not a girl like Camila "Cami has no idea about any of this?" He asks, taking the pancakes from the pan and stacking them up on a plate "Nope, he tells her he's at the gym each time he goes to see her" She says reaching over and pulling the plate of pancakes in front of her.

Kj leans his back against the counter, letting out a long sigh.

He had to tell Camila.

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