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My name is Pauline E. England. You might be wondering, Pauline, "Why didn't you write your middle name out?" it's because the E stands for Edgar, which was the name of my late father. Speaking of my dad, he and my mom were involved in a car crash when I was 18. Since I was old enough to live on my own, that's exactly what I did. Though it was sad my parents died, at least I got a scholarship to UC Davis. That takes us to where I am now. Working at Claire's Cakery and Claire's, living alone in my own apartment next to cow sh*t, and volunteering at a homeless shelter that hosts monthly drag shows. This is the life I've always dreamt of. Obviously, minus the cow sh*t. *RINGGG* Shit, there's my alarm. Today's my first day at UC Davis. Let's see where the day takes us.


Walking on campus *outfit in header*, I look down at my phone to check for my class schedule and the building numbers. Everything seems so fart away. I shook my head and look up, only to bump into a hard chest. I fell on my butt, letting out a loud OOF. I looked up to see a man with brown, luscious locks and a stern look on his face. I quickly looked around, noticing my phone was no longer in my hand, and I let out a quiet "Sorry" to the man that I bumped into. 

I looked up once again when I heard no reply, and I just saw him staring at me. I got up and pat my hands on my jeans to get off any dirt, and before I could say anything to him again, he scoffed and bumped into my shoulder. As if I couldn't hate men any more than I already do!!! Embarrassed, I looked around and saw everyone staring and whispering amongst themselves.

I quickly left to find my classroom and tried to forget the embarrassment I had just gone through. I wasn't going to let this ruin my day. 


I arrived at my Introduction to Cultural Uglification of Men class and took a seat at the very front. Looking around, I saw Camila and Kara, my coworkers at Claire's Cakery. They spotted me and waved at me like freaks. I really do love them though. I smiled and waved back at them, but stopped smiling when I saw a familiar figure in the corner of my eye. The man who I had bumped into was sitting at the back of the class, and he was staring right at me with a blank face. I immediately turned my head back to the front, and as I did, Professor Jenna Tolls handed me a paper and eyed me down. 

The rest of the class was a blur. I just wanted to get the day over with and call my best friend, Rue. We met in the seventh grade when I dropped a pencil and bent over to grab it, but I accidentally, somehow, hit Rue's stomach with my elbow while doing so. I remember she made a big deal about it, and I made fun of her for it. We were inseparable after that. After we graduated high school, we went our separate ways, and she now goes to NYU. We only get to call each other a few times a month, but our bond is still strong.


Professor Jenna Tolls dismissed the class, and I quickly got up to walk out of the classroom, but I was met with Camila and Kara blocking my way. 

"Hey, Pauline! How are you? We saw what happened this morning with that Axel guy," Kara says.

"Yeah, it was nothing. I'm okay," I said, trying to pass them.

"Well, we just wanted to let you know that he's not a good guy to get involved with. We care about you. You're working today, right? We can totally tell you more at work. Kara has all the deets," Camila says, smiling big at me.

I nod and say, "Okay. See you later, guys." 

**time skip**

I walked into Claire's Cakery and heard Blame It on the Edit by Mr. Pearl, my boss, playing in the shop. I greeted him and went to the backroom to get changed into my uniform. When I got out to work the cash register, Camila and Kara walked in to clock in and said, in unison, "Get ready to gossip, girl!" I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself.

Cakes // Lily Collins x Andrew Garfield x Topher GraceWhere stories live. Discover now