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"Oh, a new operator."

Amiya always sends you these type of letters whenever somebody joins Rhodes Island. You're used to it. However, it's been so long since an operator with combat capabilities joined. You, relevantly, are glad.

Who is this new operator?

The brief letter told you nothing but her case with the Oripathy.

What about her race?

Her combat type?

Nothing at all. Suppose Amiya must have left that for you to figure out yourself. Fault is not hers, for that must be the limit that Kal'sit had gave her. You should still consider helping her out, though, who know what type of person she would turn out to be? As you were thinking, the door slammed open. You didn't need to turn around, because judging by the fact that the door was ruthlessly opened without a single thought of knocking, it is guaranteed to be Operator Nian.

"Hey, have you had lunch yet? I'll bring you to a new restaurant downtown. The lunch today sucks." Nian continuously rambled about how Rhodes Island should hire "pure" chefs instead of some "inexperienced" combat operator like Operator Gummy.
"Geez, have you even tasted that Ursus brat's food? Tastes like real rubbish! Kills my sense of closure!"
"Oi, have you been listening?"
"Ahah, whatever. We're gonna go downtown in a few minutes, so better finish as many documents as you can." You glanced at her. That's correct. Never once have you ever listened to Nian's complaints, but you do appreciate her as an assistant, though. Nian stepped closer to your desk.

"Bingo! A letter, that's what it is! Haven't seen such formal notes in a while. For as long as I recall, my pen-pal left to her own universe a few decades ago." Nian ceaselessly rambled about her pen-pal as you repeatedly read the letter a few more times to make sure you didn't miss out on any crucial detail.

"How 'bout this, Doctor Y/N, show me that letter, and I'll let you off free this evening. Deal? Deal."
"I'll go, might seem unanticipated, but I am pretty intrigued by this new restaurant you described to me. Here you go, the letter." You handed the neatly folded paper, obviously by Amiya, to Nian.
"So it's a win-win for me. Never expected the fearsome Doctor of Rhodes Island to be so... how do I put it... passive?"
"Hm, whatever. Why don't we get going, then? It's been way too long for a few minutes. I've got all the time you need to waste." You murmured, grabbing your items, still attempting to make a hypothesis on the meeting with that operator named Surtr.

Flames of Recollection - Surtr x Doctor [ARKNIGHTS]Where stories live. Discover now