Chapter seven New is Hard

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"That's a pair I never would have guessed." Ichigo mumbled as they walked back to the school.

"Your one to talk" Uryu said rolling his eye.

Ichigo and Grim held hands all the way up to the school before Ichigo let out a sigh. "Grimm I'm really not ready for the whole school to know I'm gay. My friends are one thing but everyone else would be to much right now." The orange haired boy said pinching the bridge of his noes.

The blue haired man smiled softly at the nervous substitute soul reaper. "I'll follow your lead Ichi." 

Ichigo rolled his eyes with a chuckle. The group finished out the day at school Orihime only returning just before school was dismissed, with a bright smile on her face. Grimmjow took the opportunity to polk fun at the girl. "You have that much fun with lover boy hu?" He said with a wink causing the girl to turn red

"Wa-what no!!! It's not like that." Orihime said defensively

"Grimm be nice." Ichigo chuckled the situation amused him but he was also relieved at how well Grimmjow was fitting in.

Ichigo and Grimm walked home with playful nudges and light joking back and forth.

Grimmjow un buttoned his shirt minute they walked though the door with a loud sigh. Ichigo rolled his eyes at his over dramatic actions. "Grim it's a shirt not a straight jacket." Grimmjow flopped onto the bed after climbing the stairs to Ichigos room.

Sorry it's so short I figured a short chapter was better then waiting

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