Chapter One The Encounter

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Ichigo had been training with Renji under Kisukes shop for a few months to prepare for Aizens attack. The two had gotten so much stronger over the course of their training. Rukia and Kisuke were watching the two spar when Toshiro and Rangiku came down. The small captain had come to ask more about the Hogyoku trying to gain as much information as he could.

Kisuke and Toshiro heads snapped up at the same time. Both were upstairs before the others even senses the presence. Ichigo, Renji, Rukia and Rangiku fallowed quickly behind reaching the outside as a portal was being opened. The garganta was like a hole in the sky, and out stepped Gin Ichimaru and Grimmjow. Gin looked mostly untouched with its signature smile while Grim looked like he had been though hell cut to ribbons with a hole in his gut dripping blood.

"What do you want." Toshiro said glaring at the traitorous ex captain. Gin had betrayed the soul society abandoned his subordinates and left Rangiku hurt and confused.

"A peace offering." Gin said as he held out his hands. He was offing up the Hogyoku. Grim stretched out his arm, he held the severed head of Aizen. Everyone gasped shocked at what they were seeing.

Grimmjow smiled wildly showing his teeth. He looked at Ichigo as he lost his grip on Aizens head. "Ichi catch me would ya." He said softly just loud enough to barely be heard as he plummeted toward the ground.

Ichigo didn't hesitate for a moment as he used flash step to leap into the air moving over to the now unconscious espada and catching him before Aizens head hit the ground. Ichigo hit the ground with a thud gently laying down Grimmjow. The orange hair boy began to panic seeing the wounds up close. "Squad 4. Someone get squad 4 now!" No one moved everyone just starred in fear or shock or maybe both. Ichigo let his spiritual pressure loose baring down on every one like a weight out of both anger and in hopes it would snap them out of there dais. "NOW!!" He yelled. This seemed to work as Rangiku quickly sent out a hell butterfly for first aid.

Captain Unohana rushed though the senkaimon minutes later Hanataro on her heels as well as several captains and guards. Gin was immediately taken into custody as Rangiku watched helplessly "Gin" she mumbled not sure what to think as the former captain didn't put up any sort of struggle.

Toshiro gave her a sympathetic look, "I want my lieutenant to accompany you to ensure that the prisoner does not escape." The small captain said. Rangiku shot him a thank you look before following into the gate.

After several hours captain Unohana looked up from working on the espada. "He's stable now." Ichigo breathed a sigh of relief. Several captains escorted him the the remaining group back to the soul society with the Espada being carried on a stretcher. Grim was put into a cell with Hanataro on duty in case of emergency. He was picked because of his ease with Ichigo. Ichigo sat inside the cell not even sure why he had followed Grim.

Grim woke up with a grunt from the pain and Ichigo looked over at him. "Grim I never had a chance to ask you before why did you save me during the attack on my town back then."

"I couldn't let ya die ." Grim answer looking into the orange haired boys eyes. Hanataro looked confused as could be, sitting in the corner of the cell.

Renji came running in " hey head captain has called a meeting!! It's for captains and lieutenants only, the exception being the prisoners and you. He want to discuss what to do with them." The red haired man said before running off the the head captains summons.

"Can you walk?" Ichigo asked

Grim smiled wildly before attempting to get up. He almost crashed to the floor if Ichigo hadn't caught him. "Looks like that's a no." Grim said still smiling.

Ichigo rolled his eyes before turning around and crouching down a bit. " get on." Grimmjow grumbled a bit but did as he was told he was far to week and without eating another hallow, how was he supposed to regain his energy.

Ichigo walked down a hall for a bit before Grim spoke up. "Ichigo I can't go in there being carried."

"How the hell else are you planning on getting there?" Ichigo retorted

"I can't waltz into the enemy's strong hold this weak! I need to..." grim clenched his fits.

Ichigo set him down, "look we are not the enemy, not anymore."

"I need your blood. Humans don't get better if they don't eat correct? Well Espada eat other hollows and your the closest thing to it here I just need a taste." Grimmjow said Ichigo looked confused Grim took advantage of this and let his hunger take over thankfull he had another day before the full moon he wasn't to worried about accidentally marking Ichigo as his mate. He was still weak so he pushed Ichigo up against the wall leaning on him for some support before sinking his teeth into his neck.

Two things happened that the blue haired Espada didn't think would happen. Ichigo sucked in a breath of air, but not out of surprise or pain like Grim had expanded this sounded like the one you would hear from something plesiosaur-full. This got Grimmjows blood flowing and he bit down harder pushing some of his reishi into Ichigo marking him as his. Ichigos blood flowed over Grims lips it tasted amazing it took every in him to stop and pull away. He looked a little sheepish not meaning to take things that far.

Grim scratched the back of his neck, "don't be to mad but I might have marked you." He said not bothering to step back still inches away for Ichigo.

"The fuck to you mean might have!! You bit me! That's definitely going to leave a mark dumb ass!" Ichi said, snapping out of his since of euphoria.

Realizing Ichigo had no idea how hallows mates Grimmjows eyes got a bit big. This kid was clueless he didn't know a thing! This was going to make things difficult. A drop of blood ran down Ichigos neck and without thinking Grim leaned in a licked it up.

"What the Hell, I'm going to pretend I didn't see that." Renji said stopping in his tracks. "The meeting is about to start, so stop, doing that." He said gesturing to the two. "And get your asses moving."

Ichigo pushed Grim away from him following Renji more embarrassed then words could say. He had no idea what that was about but his heart would not slow down. His adrenaline was pumping and as much as he didn't want to admit it he liked it.

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