Chase holds the cup gingerly in his hand, seemingly looking to Samuel for permission.

"Let me take a sip of that first," he takes it out of the other's hand and sips it. He swallows it and waits for a bit. After a few seconds, he hands it back to Chase. "It's fine."

"Did you think he'd poison me?" Chase raises an eyebrow.

"You can never be too sure," he scowls, looking back at the crew who was now basking in the attention of some of the party-goers.

"My hero," Chase chuckles, shaking his head before taking a large gulp of it. He nearly chokes. This shit was strong!

"Ha, lightweight," Samuel teases, finally lightening up a bit.

"So, you gonna go over and chill with the boys? Or..."

"Well yeah, obviously. Didn't you say you wanted to hang out with the jocks?" The blonde recalls.

Oh yeah, he did say that. He also was intending on coming here to find a girlfriend, or at least a cute girl to talk to. But he did find himself genuinely enjoying being in Samuel's company.

"I did say that," he answers, matter-of-fact.

Samuel fumbles with his fingers a bit, seemingly awkward and just a bit coy.

"Unless you want to wait and just chill outside by the garden or something," the blonde offers with apprehension.

"You sure your boys won't get mad at you for abandoning them?"

"Eh, they'll live," he says with the wave of his hand before going over to the boys.

"Yo, me and Chase are gonna chill by the garden."

"Aww what's wrong? He got all 'uncomfortable'?" Bruce teases, making air quotes with his fingers.

"Uh no?"

Samuel didn't want to say this was his plan though. He couldn't make it obvious to his boys that he was trying to build a bond with him so he comes up with an excuse.

"It's just congested with all the smoke and shit."

"Mmhmm, yeah okay. Don't abandon us for too long, you are our designated driver," Bruce grins, taking a swig of his drink. "And you're one of us."

"Right. I'll be back," he turns to go.

Chase in the meantime hung in the back waiting for his companion. His eyes lazily scan the crowd before fixating on someone who looked oddly familiar.

The girl with the caramel light-skin, pale green eyes, and dirty blonde hair seemingly looks in his direction and tilts her head in genuine curiosity.

Was that... Crystal?

She was busy chatting with her friends before she made eye-contact with him, but it seemed like she really, really wanted to chat with him.

...Would it be wrong to hook up with his best friend's sister?

"Alright, it's cool. Let's go," Samuel's voice snagged him from his thoughts.

"Oh... oh yeah okay," he nods, making eye-contact with Crystal one last time before going.


The boys make their way through some small gathering of people to the garden. It was a lot quieter out here among the hedges. They sit down next to each other on a black, ornate bench.

It's silent now and Samuel's back to twiddling his thumbs. His face is flushed, especially now that he has Chase to himself.

Chase calmly takes another sip of his drink.

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