so we meet again

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i wake up to the sound of a tv across the room. i look around and see him standing there. he's staring at me, his broad, hairy shoulders hunched.
"hey," he finally says.
"um hi," i reply, still looking him up and down. this is surely a dream. i've had a crush on him ever since barbie and i ended things with each other. i don't even know his name, i just admire his beautiful face every day when i drive home from work.
"ken, do you know where you are?"
"i..." i look around the room and suddenly realize i'm in a hospital. the bed is extremely uncomfortable and has some weird beige stains on the cream coloured sheets.
"i'm in a hospital. i know that. but...why?" i ask, "also, how do u know my name?"
"well, you got in a car accident and got concussed, you've been sleeping for about two days now and i've been checking in on you every few hours in case you woke up. i didn't want you to not have anyone here when u awoke. and relax, i'm not a stalker, heh. i know your name because i'm actually a doctor here. when i saw you get hit, i carried you here to get help," he explains.
"oh...thank you. you probably saved my life," i say back.
he chuckles
"well, if it weren't me, it would've surely been someone else."
"still, i'm grateful," i insist on thanking him.
"well, you haven't eaten or gone to the bathroom in quite a while, so i'll let you get to it."
he picks up a tray of classic hospital food (jello and saltines) and sets it on the circular table beside me.
"actually, i..."
i point to the small washroom across the recovery room.
he quickly understands what im implying.
"oh, right. yes, go ahead ken."
as i get up, he cracks a sly smile as if he's just seen something hilarious but knows he shouldn't find it funny.
i'm confused, but take a few slow steps towards the washroom.
it's just then that i realize...
there no back to my hospital gown.

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