-Chapter Eleven-

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Today my nerves were tight-- Piano wires, tensed to sing at the lightest pressure. My senses were on hyper alert; Scanning every sound and every small detail in sight. Even the movement of the air that touched my skin, every insignificant thought.

There was only one sense that I kept locked down, refusing to use. Smell of course. I didn't breathe.

The usual thoughts of bottled up teenage feelings and wants that I sifted through were all very dull. That was until I caught Sebastian's thoughts as he walked into the cafeteria with a few of his new acquaintances he gathered from gym class.

His thoughts were hardly pure, yet the connotation of his body was severely reserved. He's trying too hard for the human eyes that befall his act. Wasn't even attempting to fake a breathe, or blink. He caught my glance from across the room as he stood in the line up of students awaiting their gruel.

'Its going to be alright.'

Sebastians chest rose softly, knowing full well that he wasn't acting properly after one little argument this morning. If I weren't positive that I could handle this moment, I would've stayed at the house.

I nodded carefully as I drifted my attention to Jake who seemed to be having a playful morning-- laughing and debating amongst his friends.

He met my glance briefly and grinned. My body seemed to freeze at him noticing me. I sucked in a few short, shallow breathes, ready to stop my breathing if his scent touched the air near me.

Jake's buddy was now looking over at me before turning his attention back. I heard both of his voices, mental and verbal, when he asked Jake what was wrong with me the other night at the party. It was distasteful the way his thoughts wrapped around me, the flicker of already established fantasies  that clouded his mind while he snuck glances at me.

"Oh-- nothing. Just had a little too much fun."

Jake said in a quiet, clear voice. It seemed to ring like a struck bell over the babble in the cafeteria, but I knew that was just because I was listening too intensely.

"We had a little face to face before she stiffed me," The boy continued as he moved to steal a chip from Jake's open bag. I couldn't help flickering a glance to see his reaction to this new information. He was staring at his balled fists, tucking them underneath the table, his blood pooling in his cheeks as his mind raced. I looked away, feeling a little too intrusive and embarrassed.

Sebastian joined my side suddenly and elbowed me as he sat down with an apple.

"Ease iup Vex, I may not be able to channel you right now, but I still know your tells."

I pretended to act in pain as more glances from Jakes table fell to us. I clenched my teeth behind my grin. Which I knew looked painfully forced.

'You look sick sister.'

I rearranged my features so the expression would seem more casual and effortless.

"I made sure Jake would remember that you got drunk and left early due to being sick. I'm assuming you feel guilty for attempting to harm him," Sebastian said. "However, eternity is too long to wallow in guilt"

"Wouldntyou know." I murmured quietly. Sebastian laughed.

Just then, I grabbed his apple, breaking it open into a small piece before tossing it at his unsuspecting face.

He blinked, surprised, before grinnng in anticipation.

"Oh you asked for it!"

He challenged as he leaned over, stealing his apple back, breaking off another piece and throwing it at me.

I recoiled from the deluge of the sticky apple juices. Earning an outburst of triumphant giggles from Sebastian. I couldn't help but join him.

I could see in his head how he had orchestrated this perfect little moment, and I knew Jake would be watching us laugh and play. Looking happy and human and unrealistically ideal as a Norman Rockwell painting.

'-staring once again at the Luna-ticks'

Someone thought, catching my attention. I automatically looked towards the ludicrous call, easily recognizing the voice as my eyes found their destination- I couldn't control my listening today. Julia had slid herself beside Jake at his table, being overly protective of someone who had no interest in thjs succubus disguised as a girl.

"Whats your deal Jakey? You used to never get your hands off of me."

She whispered into his ear, adding a giggle. There wasn't even a hint of jealous annoyance in her tone as Jake continued starring at us.

Julia seemed too confident with her image as the schools temptress.

I listened, too engrossed to hear Jakes response.

"No deal, Julia. I just have my sights set to someone who is actually worth while."

He grunted back.

This was news to my ears, but worrisome to Sebastians. Disapproving, he grabbed my book and my arm as dragged us out of the cafeteria. Away from the prying eyes of curious spectators.

It didn't matter that we took our leave, for lunch was just about to end at the sound of a bell. Each body already filing out to classes as Sebastian and I escaped to the court yard outside.

"This isn't safe anymore, Vex. Jake is developing feelings for you, and compulsion can only do so much to a human before things get messy."

Sebastian complained in me before it's too late for recovery. I need to try and steer this conversation back to trite paths.

"I understand your anxiety on this situation, and I promise I'm feeling a lot better than before! My cravings are controlled, as well as my dreams. I'm not going to die."

I paused at my own tone. A hint of murderous intention that I couldn't even ignore as it rolled off my tongue.

Instantly, Sebastian's eyes locked with mine. He starred deeply with suspicious brows as if he was searching for something behind the reflection. A V between his eyes held prominently before he spoke.

"What is wrong with you, do you need to go home?" He asked in a low voice, glowering past me for only a moment.

His reactions are not what I was expecting. I was a boiling pot left on high as is, and my words weren't going to solve this. So I decided actions were the key.

I softened my features, defeat finding root within as I let of quiet sigh.

"Sebastian, I apologize. I didn't mean to come off as a predator. You're my brother..." I paused short. "Just trying to do your best in the situation that just happens to be...well...me. I promise I will do better."

Sorrow flitted across his face, bringing a small pucker back between his brows.

"You know I love you, right? It's my job to make sure our family is safe from anything. I don't want to leave this place yet, and I doubt you do either..." He dropped his head slightly before continuing, "Do whatever you must to  maintain yourself, but be careful."

His voice was gentle now without any audible force. His dejection left me feeling oddly helpless, wishing there was something I could to make everything seem back to normal- for us anyways.

"Shall we get to class?" There was now a hint of a smile around the corners of his lips.

"Not for me. Go back to class, Sebastian. I need to be alone for a moment."

I smiled too, choosing this expression. I was trying to make him feel at ease. He turned without another word or thought, walking away quickly to evade suspicion from his teacher. He would tell our teacher that I was sick, or ditching, or dangerously close to attacking every student on campus.

Did his excuse really matter? I just know I couldn't waste any more of my time with dull, boring classes when there was so much more to do.

I returned to my car, awaiting for the end of school to arrive. I need to leave. I had to start my research now.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING will go wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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