-Chapter Five-

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"Vex. I know it's difficult to see right now. But you are going to be alright."

He reassured me as he looked deeply into my eyes. His thumb tracing my temple in small circles. Compared to mother, or father, Sebastian knew how to calm me down best. My brother and I share a very rare bond that's due to our royal blood line, and shared birthday. As he mentioned, we are stronger together than we were apart. Its been this way for our entire lives. If either of us were to get hurt physically, the other would gain the exact same wound. To feel the pain as the other was tortured.

Together, our Magik's that manifested from the elements can be harnessed, causing more damage to the opponent. We have yet to meet any others alike. Creepily adding, our psychic link that seems to never be off. Back at the Academy, we used our link to the advantage in our combat training to take out whatever opponent we came across.

We are eachothers weakness, yet also our strengths. Without my brother, I'd might as well be dead.

"Say Loon," (My terrible nickname he gave me,) "Why don't we call it a day? Head to the forest for a little hunting?"

He asked, his eyes not leaving mine. He knew I would protest him due to the rules mother set, but I wasn't in the mood for debating points. I nodded hesitantly, and, with that we were off.

Exiting the stuffy halls and into the cool, November afternoon towards the woods. We scanned the grounds of people, making sure not to be seen before entering. With a light step, he charged foward as if the wind itself had swept him within it's grasp. I followed closely behind.

Darting around trees as if they weren't even there, leaping over the roots that sprouted like veins from the large trees. I couldn't help but enjoy myself as we hunted the grounds for a delectable snack.

We stopped suddenly near a great oak. The grain of poison begrimed from the dark bark, and gleamed as if it were pixie dust. I admired the old and antiquated prime of the forest. My eyes dancing around us as Sebastian dove into the canopy of twisted branches and leaves, (that resembled skeleton hands,) above us.

"We may have something." Sebastian whispered as he joined me back on the ground, staring dead ahead of us.

We walked slowly up the middle pathway that was covered with moss, rocks and roots. Sebastian halted, bending down as he took a knee. His hand reached out toward the hoof print that was stamped into the earth.

There was a change in the air. The cool and light breeze had become warmer. Not a nice warm either, like enjoying hot coffee during a cold winter morning. No, it was sticky warm, Like wearing a wool sweater during a summer evening.

We didnt share any words, but I could tell Sebastian felt it too. Not a single movement was made for if we had, the harsh reality of the situation would be met with matters neither of us could handle on an empty stomach. That was before the wind picked up, and we caught the scent of blood in the air.

Sebastian and I shared a worried glance. Standing statuesque in the middle of this path.

The silence was broken by a branch snapping about twelve feet ahead of us. Our heads instantly shifting ahead where the sound had echoed. My adrenline kicked in. I haven't felt this for a time. My senses warning me about the upcoming situation at hand.

"Don't fret, Vex. It's probably hikers, Or lunch. Follow me."

Sebastian insisted calmly as he grabbed my hand, forcing me into the branches above with him. We watched the ground in silence as the autumn leaves buried us behind them. Waiting for whatever it was to come barreling down the path. In a matter of moments, (which seemed like forever,) A rather large moose came limping down. Its back hind leg had been wrapped in a large barbed wire fencing, cutting deep within its own flesh. Sebastian let go of my hand and scanned our surroundings for people before leaping down on top of the creature below.

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