Chapter 66

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  "Linzi, why do you come to see me when you have time? You don't have to go to the book club today?"

Lin Qing contributed a lot to the village, and the village branch and other officers in the village were full of praise for Lin Qing.

Lin Qing hurriedly said, "I came here today because I have something to ask Uncle Wang for you." Uncle Wang smiled. After getting up from the field, he washed his feet in the field next to him, wiped it with a towel, and asked. "What's the matter?"

"Secretary, I told you just now that you should have a good discussion with the village chief when you go back. Now that the locusts are so serious, our village must take precautions in advance, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

Lin Just when Qing was about to speak, Shen Jiayi's voice sounded behind Uncle Wang.

And what Shen Jiayi said was exactly what Lin Qing wanted to say, and Lin Qing couldn't help but look at Shen Jiayi.

"Shen Zhiqing also knows about the locusts attacking the village on a large scale."

"No, today several people from neighboring villages came to our village to take refuge, and I got to know them. My father used to work in the agricultural department. I still have some understanding. It happened that the secretary came to inspect here today, so I chatted with the secretary about the plan to prevent locust attacks in our village. The secretary said that this matter needs to be discussed with the village chief and the commune to formulate a feasible plan. "

Shen Jiayi finished speaking in one breath, her beautiful chin raised slightly arrogantly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the ring Shen Jiayi was holding was a fake, Lin Qing would have almost thought that Shen Jiayi had taken her real ring.

She pouted and said lightly, "I'm looking for the secretary because of the locusts, and I'm too worried that the locusts will attack our village, so discuss with the secretary to see if there is any way to drive the locusts away and protect them. The crops in our village."

"Lin Zi, you Shen Zhiqing thought of one." The

secretary touched his chin and smiled at Lin Qing and Shen Jiayi.

"Secretary, several villages have been attacked now. Our village has not been attacked yet, which does not mean that we will not be attacked by locusts in the future. This kind of thing still needs to be prepared in advance. If it is too late, I am afraid that it will be the same as the neighboring village. The crops have been destroyed by locusts, how can we live then?"

Wang Lei, who had not spoken, worried to the secretary.

"Shen Zhiqing also told me about this before. I will discuss it with the village chief when I go back. Don't worry, we will definitely think of a practical and effective way to prevent the locusts from attacking our village.

" Medicine, you can protect this village."

Shen Jiayi's voice interjected, looking at the secretary and said.

Lin Qing looked at Shen Jiayi thoughtfully, and said with a toothy smile: "It seems that Shen Zhiqing has a solution, I don't know what are you going to do, Shen Zhiqing?"

Shen Jiayi heard the words and smiled: "I can help me prepare a Planting medicine to deal with locusts will not let our village be attacked by the village."

"Shen Zhiqing really has medicine that can deal with locusts?"

"Of course, but I need more raw materials, and I will write it down to the secretary when I go back. Pharmacy, you can ask someone to help me get what I need, and I can prepare these medicines to deal with these locusts."

"Well, since Shen Zhiqing said like this, our village depends on you, and after you have prepared the medicine , go to other villages and try it first to see if it works."


"Shen Zhiqing is really amazing, he even knows about things like dispensing medicine."

After the secretary separated from Lin Qing and the others, Lin Qing looked at him. Shen Jiayi, hypocritical.

Shen Jiayi looked at Lin Qing, and snorted coldly, "I know a lot of things. You will know later that you only relied on the ring to save the village. I rely on my real skills."

Shen Jiayi finished speaking without looking at it. Wang Lei turned their heads and left arrogantly, looking at the expressions on their faces.

Seeing Shen Jiayi's complacent and confident look, Wang Lei couldn't help pulling on Lin Qing's clothes and said, "This Shen Zhiqing is different from what I imagined." "What do you think Shen Jiayi looks like?"

With Wang Lei looking like she wanted to complain, Lin Qing couldn't help laughing.

"I think Shen Jiayi should be a gentle and kind woman, but when you look at Shen Jiayi, no matter how I look at it, I feel a little bit like a villain, I don't like it anyway."

"No wonder Mo Xiao doesn't like Shen Jiayi."

Wang Lei said Zhu Lin said with his tongue out.

Hearing Wang Lei say this, Lin Qing just smiled and didn't care.

She was curious how Shen Jiayi dispensed medicine.

She wanted to see what medicine Shen Jiayi could dispense to drive away the locusts.


Li Chunmei has been uneasy for the past few days. Since Chen Hu left that day, he has not given Li Chunmei any information, not even a letter.

Li Chunmei stayed at home. When she had nothing to do, she went to wash clothes by the river. She met those long-tongued women in the village. Everyone knew that after Li Chunmei and Wu Liang divorced, they were with Chen Hu. Chen Hu was also very generous to Li Chunmei. Buy it for Li Chunmei, and Li's mother is also a person who can show off. She often shows how rich Chen Hu is in front of others and how good she is to Li Chunmei.

Soon everyone knew that Li Chunmei was about to marry Chen Hu.

Everyone is waiting for Chen Hu and Li Chunmei to get married, and want to see what kind of wedding Chen Hu will give Li Chunmei.

As a result, no one has seen the wedding of Li Chunmei and Chen Hu until now, and some people who couldn't eat grapes began to tell Li Chunmei whether Chen Hu didn't want her anymore.

Li Chunmei's face turned green when she heard those people's malicious attacks.

She can't wait to fight those long-tongued women right away and tell them that Chen Hu will not want her. Chen Hu has gone into business and will come back and marry her soon.

"Chunmei, Huzi hasn't come back yet?"

Li Chunmei came back from the river. After drying the clothes, Li's mother came back from the field. After seeing Li Chunmei, she grabbed Li Chunmei and asked if Chen Hu had come back.

Li Chunmei clenched her neck when she heard Mother Li's words, and said to Mother Li, "Of course, he will come back soon, and when he comes back, he will definitely marry me, he will give us a lot of food stamps, and he will take me to the city. Settle down."

Li Chunmei looked at Li Chunmei's appearance, poked Li Chunmei's forehead and said, "Don't dream first, wait until Huzi really marry you."

Li Chunmei saw Li Chunmei also worried that Chen Hu would abandon her, A temper surged in his heart, and he was dissatisfied with Li's mother: "Mom, do you also think that Chen Hu will abandon me?"

"It's not that I think so, but Chen Hu has no whereabouts until now, I..."

Li's mother was exposed by Li Chunmei, with a little embarrassment on her face.

"Chen Hu will be back soon."

"Our money is all going to Hu Zi. If Hu Zi doesn't give it to me when you get married, we really have to drink the northwest wind, you know?"

Li mother warned Li Chunmei.

She didn't tell Li Chunmei's sister-in-law about the pocket watch.

If she knew, I'm afraid there will be trouble again.

"I know, Hu Zi will be back soon."

Li Chunmei nodded absent-mindedly to Mother Li.

"I'll go to the neighboring village to change things later. You're fine today, so come with me."

Mother Li looked at Li Chunmei and sighed.

Now that life is getting more and more difficult, when I can't get food stamps, I really have to eat sweet potatoes every day.


Li Chunmei thought that she still had a few clothes that were of good material, and maybe she could get some food.

Anyway, when Chen Hu comes back, I will buy her better clothes, and I won't feel distressed if I change these clothes.

Thinking like this, Li Chunmei prepared her clothes and went to the neighboring village with Li's mother.

The distance from the neighboring village to this village is not very far, about half an hour's drive.

When it arrives, if you have something good, you can change it yourself.

Li Chunmei exchanged a few food stamps. Seeing that Li's mother was still going to dig bamboo shoots, she asked her to dig it by herself and walked around the neighboring village.

This turn was not good. Li Chunmei saw Chen Hu and another woman sitting on a stone by the river. The woman was very shy and leaned on Chen Hu's shoulder, while Chen Hu Talking to the woman with a tender expression on her face, Li Chunmei was angry on the spot.

"Chen Hu."

She thought that Chen Hu was going to do business, and waited eagerly for Chen Hu to come back. Who knew that Chen Hu would be here with other women, and Li Chunmei couldn't stand it.

"Big sister, are you calling me?"

After Chen Hu saw Li Chunmei, his pupils shrank for a while, but he looked at Li Chunmei with doubts on his face.

"Eldest sister? You call me eldest sister? Chen Hu, you have no conscience, you have suffered a thousand knives, didn't you say you went to deliver the goods? Why are you here? Also, who is this woman? Tell me clearly ."

Li Chunmei looked at Chen Hu and said angrily.

Chen Hu looked at Li Chunmei's angry look, frowned and said, "Eldest sister, I'm not the Chen Hu you said, my name is Wang Yang."

What Wang Yang? This man is obviously Chen Hu.

"You are obviously Chen Hu? Why did you lie to me that your name is Wang Yang? You explain it to me right away."

Li Chunmei can't be fooled. This face is obviously Chen Hu, but he says his name is Wang Yang?

Li Chunmei grabbed Chen Hu's arm, forcibly pulled Chen Hu, and asked Chen Hu to explain to herself.

"Eldest sister, I'm really not Chen Hu."

Chen Hu was so rudely grabbed by Li Chun, it hurt so bad, he said angrily.

The woman on the side was also angry when she saw that Li Chunmei was so pungent.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? What do you want to do to Wang Yang?"

"His name is Chen Hu, not Wang Yang. He is my fiancé."

Li Chunmei looked up and down this woman who was about her age and said coldly.

The woman looked at Chen Hu in disbelief after hearing Li Chunmei say the word fiancé.

"Wang Yang, what's going on? Didn't you say you're single? Why do you still have a fiancée? You lied to me?"

"No, Arlene, listen to me, I really don't know this woman, besides, I don't know. My name is not Chen Hu, and my name is Wang Yang..."

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