Cale in his forties chilling under the debris

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[Chapter dedicated to @Kyakyun who kept on pleading me to update]

Not Enemy Clopeh gasped at the not so shocking news, well, they already expected the Paerun Kingdom to fall the moment that the little blond pulled out a fucking massive cannon out of nowhere.

"Well, isn't this a good news?" Alberu spoke awkwardly as he noticed the gloomy atmosphere around him.

"I think... not, your highness. At least not for them," Rosalyn replied as she drew her gaze to her miniature self who was finishing off the remaining enemies and going back to them together with their allies.

Raon and the other children who flew back to the shores while dragging a passed out Enemy Clopeh stayed next to the little redhead circled around Not Enemy Clopeh as if sympathizing with him.

"Human, is he going to be homeless now?"

"We can let him live in our basement nya," Hong spoke while poking the other man's cheeks who was kneeling down in shock.

"I guess he's an orphan now like the rest of us," On replied and paused before adding,

"Welcome to the orphan squad nya!"

They are all orphans? Alberu, Cale, Rosalyn, and the others that had just returned to the shores all thought the same.

This made Choi Han cast a gaze at the little black-haired man walking beside him, who was currently holding a big sword in his two hands.

"Do you need help carrying that?"

Little Choi Han shook his head side to side and said, "I'm strong."

Choi Han can agree with that after witnessing the young kid sweep the adversaries with his sword as if they were dirt, yet the small kid's voice is so gentle and cute that he wants to disagree with him.

"You can ask our dad to be your guardian too!" Hong intervened and Not Enemy Clopeh immediately began considering that option— no, what is there even to consider? Being the legend's child is the highest honor he can attain!

"Human, he needs to pay for his meals just like the rest of us, right?"

Little Choi Han, Alberu, and the rest of their allies, whose parents were already gone, nodded in response to the children's remarks.

This little kid... should I adopt him? Cale glanced down at the little redhead beside him with a stoic expression, his hand finding its way to the top of the child's head.

The action caused little Cale to gaze up at the huge version of himself with the same expressionless face, and Cale's lips almost curled into a smile at how similar they looked. Those flushed baby plump cheeks made him want to coo and take the little child in his arms.

"My friend, you are so kind! You even created an orphanage!" Little Toonka exclaimed, and behind him was a pile of the bodies of the bears.

Excuse me? Little Cale frowned, shifting his gaze away from the other redhead and turning his focus back on the little blond who was attempting to disappear from his sight by hiding behind the big Alberu.

"Hm?" Alberu looked surprised as he watched the little version of himself use him as a shield against the other kid.

Little Alberu scratched his cheeks in embarrassment while trying to avoid Little Cale's gaze, boring holes into his head.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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Chaos! Destruction! Death! [TCF/LCF Fanfiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz