Getting to know me

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Hi, I'm Daniella but you can call me Dani.
I'm almost 15yo, I have light brown hair and blue eyes, I was born In the USA but I live in Israel, and this is my story...

I was born on April 28th 2004 in the USA, at the time my mom was pregnant with me she knew she wants to give me up for adoption, and as soon as I was born my adopted parents took me from my biological mother, I was adopted by a nice couple from Israel and I grew up there, my parents told me that I'm adopted when I was 5yo and since then I always wanted to know who my real parents are.

I grew up as an happy child and I always had a lot of friends, but everything changed when I was 14yo and my parents died in a car accident, I didn't have any family so I went to a boarding school, at first it was really hard and it took me a lot of time to get over my parents death, but after a while I got used to live in boarding school and I met a lot of new friends.

Since the second I got to the boarding school the one thing I was waiting for the most was to turn 18, when you turn 18 you can open your adoption file and find out who your biological parents are.

I live in the boarding school for about an year, it's actually turned out to be really fun living here, I share a room with 2 girls who are my best friends and we always supported eachother no matter what, the only different between me and them is that they got here by choice and I got here because I didn't had choice, they have a family and they're going home every weekend, that's the one thing that made me jealous of them, all I ever wanted is a family.

Every year on my birthday my biological mother send me a letter wishing me happy birthday and she also put there 300$ which worth about 940 shekels, in the letters she never mentioned her name, in fact she doesn't even know my name because my adopted parents gave me my name, I never knew how she knows where to send the letter to but it didn't really butter me, my dad never contact me, so I just thought that either they're divorce and he doesn't want any contact with me or either he doesn't even know I'm exists. anyway, yesterday was April 28th 2019 and I turned 15.
when I opened the letter from my mom I noticed she added to the letter "can't wait to finally meet you next year, xoxo your biological mother", I was shocked, I didn't know she wants to meet me, I never knew why she gave me up for adoption and I honestly didn't though she wants to meet me, and since then I didn't stoped to think and wait for my 16 birthday, even more than I used to.

Here's 2 more things you need to know about me, When I was about 12 I watched "friends" for the first time and got obsessed with the show and with Jennifer Aniston, I love her so much, when I'm sad I'm watching videos and pictures of her and it's put a smile on my face and make me feel better.

I love living in Israel, there are so many special things here. but I always wanted to go to the USA, I mean, I know I was born there but I was there just for a couple of days and I was a baby...


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, btw English is not my first language so I'm sorry if I have some grammar mistakes..

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