Birthday plans

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*Jen point of view*

the girls went downstairs and got to the living room "hey girls, what's up?" I asked "we're fine, we talked and we'll set a day and Coco's gonna show me around" Dani said, "great!" I said and added "do you want something to eat?" "yes, that'll be great" Dani said, "what about if we order some pizza?" Court asked, "yea sure, why not" I said "fine by me" Coco said and Dani added "it's fine by me too" "so pizza it is!" I said and ordered the pizza.

We talked and after a while the pizza came, we all ate and then Court and Coco left.
"bye guys!" I said and they both said bye back.

"that was really nice" Dani said "it really was" I said, "hey honey?" I wanted to ask her about Brad.

D: yea?
J: you want...
D: what's up?
J: do you want to meet your dad?
D: oh..I-
J: you don't have to if you don't want
D: no..I want to meet him..I just didn't know if your still in contact with him
J: well I'm not really in contact with him, but I do have his number...
D: then yes, I want to, but just if it's ok with you
J: of course it's ok, his your dad, you deserve to meet him
D: ok
J: great! I'll call him tomorrow

*Dani point of view*

"hey mom, what about my birthday party that you said you want to do?" "what about that?" "when are you want to do it?" "I think I'll do it in 4 days, on may 5th, this way I'll have enough time to planning and it's not to far from April 28th" she said, "ok, that's sounds great!, is there going to be a theme or.." "you're the theme!" "oh, right" I laughed, "ok you know what? let's start planning" she said "ok" I said.

"so where is it going to be?" I asked, "here obviously, I don't want any paparazzi" she said "yea that's make sense", "ok, what is your favourite colour?" Jen asked me, "oh I think it's maybe light blue" I said and she wrote on a piece of paper "balloons colour: light blue" "hey what about white balloons too?" I said, "yea that's nice" she said and added "and white" next to what she wrote.

"I'm gonna call Chris my hairstylist to see if he's available" Jen said, "oh ok" I said back, and for some reason I was really excited about that"

*Jen point of view*

C=Chris J=Jen

C: hey Jen what's up?
J: hi I'm fine thanks, I wanted to ask you if your available on may 5th?
C: let's me check.... yes I'm free
J: great!
C: what do you need me for?
J: well I can't tell you, I want it to be a surprise
C: oh ok
J: oh, you wouldn't do just my hair
C: who's else hair am I gonna do?
J: that's part of the suprise..
C: ok then, what time should I be there?
J: the thing will start at about 6:30pm
C: so 3:00pm?
J: yes that'll be great
C: okay bye, see ya
J: bye

"ok so he'll be here at 3:00pm", "great" Dani said, "now I'm gonna call Angela, my makeup artist" "oh okay" Dani said.

A=Angela J=Jen

A: hey Jen, how are you?
J: I'm great thanks
A: why did you call?
J: I wanted to ask you if you can do my makeup on May 5th?
A: I think I'm free let me make sure.... yes I'm free
J: great!
A: why do you need me?
J: it's a surprise, but I'm gonna need you to do someone else makeup too
A: sure, no problem, who is it?
J: you'll find out when you come, it's part of the suprise
A: ok, what time do you need me to be there?
J: Chris is coming over at 3:00
A: so 4:30?
J: it's start at 6:30, will we have enough time?
A: yea sure, I think we'll be done by 5:15
J: ok great, bye!
A: bye!

"I talked to Angela, she'll be here at 4:30" "great!" "is it going to be inside or outside?" Dani asked, "there is a nice weather, so I think outside we'll be good" I said, "okay then" "I'll sand the inventions tomorrow morning" I said "good, can't wait!" she said.

I hope you like this chapter, the next chapter will mostly be about Brad.

How i found out I'm Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt daughterWhere stories live. Discover now