Chapter 10: Sleepy Head

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Wilbur squinted his eyes as the sun blinded him. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he realized that he wasn't sleeping on a bed, rather in a car. He wasn't even laying down, he was sitting straight up in the passenger seat. He looks around and then sees his girlfriend, Sally, and then starts to remember the events from yesterday.

"What time is it?" He asks groggily.

"Oh, good morning. Uh, 11:12." Sally said, taking her eyes off the road for just a second to look at her boyfriend. Wilbur turned his head and looked out the window. He saw a bird flying past. It was most likely a crow, but he was slightly jealous of it. He wanted to be able to fly and be free to do what he wanted. Well... that is what he was doing right now, right? He was running away with someone he loved, so he was doing something for himself... or was it for Sally? For himself? Was he being selfish...?

"Where are we going?" Wilbur asked.

"Uh, I'm not sure actually. I was driving to the nearest gas station, and we can figure out more while we're there."

"Don't we need a house..."

"Yeah... we can use my college savings for that. My mom has been saving money for me to go to college since she had me. It should cover a small apartment for a while." Sally said, turning the corning without turning on her blinker.

"I have a savings account that I set aside, we can use that as well." Wilbur yawned. Sally nodded as she turned one again, this time into a gas station.

"Go buy some food for us, okay?" Sally said, giving a €20 note. Wilbur opened the door and walked into the gas station store. He was greeted by the cashier and then he started looking around casually.

After he had bought some drinks and food, he walked out and went back over to Sally's car. He then got into it and placed the plastic bag in his lap. Sally soon joined him in the car.

"Did you get water?"


"Give me one, please," Sally said, holding out her hand. Wilbur placed the water into Sally's hand and she grabbed it, opening it quickly and taking a huge sip.

"So, let's look up apartments or something?"

"Yeah, sure."

Tommy sat in his class, looking at the whiteboard. Well, more like staring. He was spacing out about... er, anything that came to mind. Food, Wilbur, random music, Techno, Tubbo, Ranboo, cows, and then wondering if a chicken came first, or the egg. His mind was wandering so much, he could barely keep up with it. As he thought more about chickens, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Thinking it was Colten or someone like him, he ignored it.

"Tom!" A voice whispered harshly. Tommy knew it was Tubbo then, but he didn't turn around still. Tommy was near the back of the class, so he wasn't worried about being seen by the teacher, but afraid of crying. He had really been thinking about him and Tubbo's friendship most of the day, but he directed his mind to chickens to keep from crying on the floor.

Tommy then saw a piece of paper drop onto the floor. He picked it up and unfolded it. It was folding nearly perfectly, and it was folded into the most perfect little square.

Hey, Tommy, why are u so angry? Did I do something to make u mad?

Was all the little paper said. So, with all the extra space, Tommy wrote down his response.

Leave me alone, Tubbo. 

Then, he handed the paper back to Tubbo without looking at his friend in the eye. Er, ex-friend. Tubbo and Ranboo were best friends now, so he shouldn't get in the way too much.

Then, the clock hit 12:20, which meant that class was over and it was lunch: the most dreadful period.

"Okay class, pack your things. And, remember, you have a test tomorrow, so study study study!" The teacher said, with a smile. The class responded with a frown and left the room loudly, talking to their friends or other things. Tommy, however, just walked silently, his hands in his uniform pants pockets. The school uniform was a dark blue suit-jacket, with a white button-up shirt underneath and khaki slacks.

"Tommy! Tom!!" Tubbo yelled after his friend but was getting lost in the crowd of teenagers. Tommy started speed walking and eventually got out of the class. He then started running towards the men's bathroom but bumped into someone. A certain someone, actually. Ranboo. Or, Mark, which was his real name. But, Tubbo called him Ranboo and so did everyone else. Not like he had many friends...

"Don't let him go past you!" Tubbo yelled from behind Tommy. Tom sat there defeated. He looked at Ranboo's eyes. They were a dark brown color.

Word count: 827 

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