Chapter 2: Restless

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Techno pulled his hair back into a half-up ponytail. His hair was just starting to go past his shoulder and it seemed to be getting thicker. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled slightly. He liked the way he looked, even if people made fun of him for it. He liked it. And even when the bullying is at its peak, he always could come home and have Tommy yank his hair and have Wilbur tell him stupid facts that he never asked for. His family was-

"WHAAAAAA!" Tommy whined. Techno sighed and went out of the bathroom and into Tommy's room. He held the little boy in his hand and rocked him back and forth. The boy kicked and whined.

"What is it, Tommy? Are you hungry?" Techno asked. He then heard his father get up and walk towards the room.

"What are you doing up, Techno?" Philza asked with a yawn. Techno looked at his tired father. It was currently 4 in the morning, and Techno didn't have much of an excuse to be awake. The truth was that he wanted to train outside while everyone was sleeping so that the other neighborhood kids couldn't see him.

"Um... I just couldn't get to sleep." Techno lied. Phil took the baby from his hands and shushed him.

"Go back to bed, Techno," Phil said quietly. Techno could see bags under Philza's eyes. They were dark but also somehow a reddish color.

"I can take care of him, dad. I'm not that young, and you're tired." Techno said, trying to garb the crying baby boy from his father's arms.

"No, go to bed. I'm fine, he's just hungry." Phil started to go out of the room to get Tommy some food but Techno grabbed his robe.

"I'll go get-"

"Please Techno! Your 9, you shouldn't have to be looking after me!" Philza almost shouted at him. Techno backed up a little as Phil went out of the room. Techno stood there for a moment before sighing. He went back to his room and sat at his desk. He then opened his drawer and pulled out a photo of Kristin, his mother. It was the only one that Phil hadn't torn up. After she died, Phil went a little bit crazy. Wilbur and Techno had to go stay with their grandparents because Phil needed to be alone. When they came back a year later all the pictures of their mother were gone. Techno had looked in the trash and all the pictures were torn in half. The only one left was one that Kristin had given Techno—it was the whole family, all smiling. Kristin had her hand on Techno's shoulder.

Techno grabbed his shoulder and a sob escaped him. He missed her. She was so nice and she was the only person that could really understand Phil. She was gone though, and Techno couldn't bring her back. That didn't stop him from crying though.

A knock came upon his door and he wiped his eyes quickly. It then opened and he saw Wilbur standing there, holding a fox stuffed animal in his hand.

"W-what do you want," Techno asked the boy. Wilbur wiped his eyes and walked into the room.

"Tommy woke me up." Wilbur yawned. He went over to Techno's bed and sat down. He kicked his feet and hugged the stuffed fox. He named the fox Fundy. He said it was because foxes are Fun. Techno put the photo back and walked over to the bed. He sat next to his brother. They both sat there, silent. It wasn't the awkward kind of silence though. More of the "we have nothing else to say" silence, which isn't always bad.

"Want to sleep with me?" Techno asked after a long while of silence. Wilbur yawned a nodded. Techno told him to lay down and so he did. Techno then laid down while facing the ceiling. Wilbur wrapped his arms around his brother and yawned loudly. After a couple of minutes, Techno heard soft snoring. Techno then fell asleep as well, forgetting all about his training.

"HI-YAH!" Techno screamed as he stabbed the air. Kristin laughed.

"Aren't I cool mom?" Techno asked.

"Yes Techno. You're amazing." She said, kneeling in front of him and placing her hand on his shoulder.

"You think I can fight in the military when I'm older? Kill all the bad guys?" Techno asked. Kristin's smile faded and she looked down at the ground.

"Techno, do you know who you're named after?" Kristin asked. Techno shook his head. "Well, you're named after your grandfather, Techno Blade Watson. When he turned 18 he fought in a war and become one of the most powerful war leaders in history."

"Cool!" Techno responded. He had always thought the name "Technoblade" was odd, but now he didn't feel so weird anymore.

"I'm not done, Tech." Kristin was the only person who ever called him "Tech", and he liked the nickname. "Your grandfather told your father that he now grieved every last person that he killed on the battlefield. He didn't know it then but every life is precious. He realized that all the people he killed thought that they were the good guys. On their side, he was just a monster. He didn't want to be such, so he grieved them. He felt terrible about killing them." Kristin finished her story. Techno just stared at her.

"So even if they're the bad guys I should feel bad for them?" Techno asked. Kristin nodded.

Techno woke up quickly. He then breathed out quickly. He shut his eyes again, trying to forget that his mother even existed. That made him want her back even more.

Word count: 955 

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