8. Did You Hear?

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When you approach Casita with a tired Camilo by your side, Dolores meets you at the door. Seeing her younger brother in this state shocks her.

"Y/n, why don't you sit down while I bring Mr chameleon over here to his room." When Dolores proposes this, Camilo becomes stubborn.

He's too tired to process what's going on around him, and all he knows is that he doesn't want to leave your side right now. He's grown quite comfortable with you. Eventually, Dolores manages to pull him off of you long enough to drag him away. As they depart for his room, you are left alone with just a jumble of nonsensical thoughts.

Y/n (1st)pov:
What just happened? Did I really go through all of that after just meeting him? Wow... That's crazy... I wonder what he thinks of me... I must be at least a good friend to him because he wasn't too scared to tell me his family problems... He was really nice to me too... wait- was he flirting with me?... Was I flirting with him?!?!? Don't get all worked up over this. You don't like him. You. Don't. Like. Him... Oh- BUT YOU DO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Suddenly, Dolores scurries in, interrupting your unorganized thoughts. You stand up, thinking she's going to dismiss you, but instead, she demands a talk.

"We need to talk," she declares.
"Oh- ok," you stutter.
"Kid, what kind of magic are you using on my brother???"
"What do you mean?"
"He's acting so weird. He's never been like this!"
"How so?"

"First off, he has never been the flirtatious type."
"Oh- I thought he would be?"

"Ok, now my question is, how did you know he was crying?"
"Oh- My gift is having super good hearing."
"Ah, ok... yeah, makes sense."

"...and lastly, he has never acted like this before."
"I'm not very surprised about that," you say, "he didn't seem very used to it."
"Neither did you," she replies with a smug look on her face.

Your face becomes slightly pink. She looks at your face, and then up in the direction of Camilo's room. Maybe she hears something. Suddenly, you think of something.

"...Hey, Dolores?" You direct her attention back to you. "Please don't tell anyone he was crying."
"I- ok I guess... What made you think of that?" she asks.

"Well, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be proud to shed his tears."
"Well... you're not wrong..." The two of you sit in silence for a moment. Dolores looks back up towards his room again. Something's definitely up...

"By the way," she states, "I would suggest checking up on Camilo before leaving." That's kinda suspicious...
"Ok, I'll go ahead and do it now,"  you decide.

As you stand up, Dolores retreats to her own room. Scared of what is ahead, you start up the stairs, ready to face Camilo.

So You've Fallen for a Madrigal? (Camilo Madrigal x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now