
843 35 0

Time Skip

I was going home from my part time job...

I was still scared while walking as I was getting flashbacks of the last night's events that took place...

A shiver ran down my spine while remembering that...

As I was walking someone suddenly grabbed my hand harshly...

And took me into an alley in a swift move, then pinned me to a wall....

I closed my eyes from the sudden action, and when I opened them I was shaken to the core by seeing.........


He looked at me like a wild animal would see his prey...

I looked down not able to think what to say or do...

And then I noticed something shiny in his hand, it was......


Is this my last day on earth??
I can't let this happen!!

I tried to loosen up the grip from his hand but he was not ready to let go...

Me: Let Go Off Me...... SOMEONE PLEASE HELMMH!!! (He covered my mouth with his filthy hand)

Taehyung: Listen you b*tch!! If you shout again I will slice your neck right then and there!!

I gulped

But I suddenly got an idea and bit his finger really hard, he immediately let go of me from the pain...

I used the opportunity and ran from there...

As I ran non stop, a stone came in my way and I tripped and fell to the hard ground...

The last thing I remember was him coming in my direction with an evil smirk, before darkness took over me.....


I woke up in a dark room in which, there were no windows and walls were painted with uneven red dots......




Then I remembered everything that happened to me before getting unconscious.....

Tears started building in my eyes, but I wasn't gonna lose hope!

I immediately tried to get up but to my shock my hands and legs were tied to the chair...

I tried, but the ropes were not loosening up....

Then my eyes roam around the dark room, and in a corner of the room I saw.....

A lifeless man tied to a chair like me...

Me: IS SOMEONE HERE??..... PLEASE HELP MEEE!! (I shouted for help)

After some moments....

The door flung open and that psycho entered....

Taehyung: Well well well, who do we have here... (He said in a scary tone)

Me: P-Please leave me a-alone!.....What have I ever done to you??! (I shouted)

Taehyung: SHUT UP!! (He growled) I have to get rid of you because you saw me killing that bastard!!.. (he said with rage in his eyes)

Me: I-I promise you.... I won't e-ever tell anyone! (I pleaded)

But he ignored me..., he then stood up and went to that person who was in the corner...

Taehyung: Wanna see me torture and kill this person? (He asked as if it was the most common thing to do... Well I think for him, it would be)

I shook my head as a no..

Taehyung: Well guess what, you have no choice... (He laughed like a crazy person)

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘 𝙱𝚘𝚢 (Tae ff)Where stories live. Discover now