Chapter 22: Bouncy castle

Start from the beginning

"Love." James tried to protest but Ella looked at him hopefully.

"Gideon can you imagine! Rainbow colored nailpolish! It will look good on your nails!" Ella exclaimed.

James stared at Ella's bright and excited eyes. After a minute he sigh and nodded.

"Yes!" Ella jump in James lap and kiss him repeatedly on his whole face.

"Whipped." I heard Greyson murmur.

James narrow his eyes at Greyson.

I glance at Greyson and said "Can I paint pink on yours?" I ask.

All the emotion on Greyson's face vanished.

I stare at him while waiting for his answer.
He sigh and nodded.

"Yehey!" I clap my hand in excitement.

James snort and said "Whipped."

Greyson glare at James.

"What's whipped?" I ask curiously.

"Did someone say whipped cream? Gideon did you request whipped cream in my blueberry pancakes?" Ella suddenly ask James and without waiting for a response she stood up and walk to the kitchen hurriedly while repeatedly murmuring that she needs whip cream.

James just shook his head and chuckle while Greyson looking at his mom adoringly.

"Daddy, if you're not busy. Can you please cut Sunshine's hair?"

"Sure. I am retired Grey. Of course I am not busy. After breakfast if that's okay with you?" James ask me.

I nodded and grin. "Thank you."

"No problem Sunshine." James smiled.

"Grey you should learn how to cut Sunshine's hair. Didn't I thought you?" James said.

Greyson shakes his head no.

"You only thought how to style hair, cook and such but not cutting of hair."

James nodded "I'll teach you later. No son of mine will not learn how to cut your partner's hair. What did I say when you were young Grey?"

"Ask, torture and then kill." Someone answered and I saw that the rest of Greyson's siblings are already in the room.

They all hug and kiss James, Grey and I's cheek then sat down on the couches in the living room.


Ask, torture then kill?

"No!" James protested. "Not that one!The other one."

Grey and his siblings furrow their eyebrows.

"Oh right. Happy partner, happy life." Parker answered.

"That's correct."

"Speaking of partner, where's mommy?" Jamison ask.

"Kitchen. Requesting for some whipped cream for her pancake." James answered.

"Yummy! Let's eat already!" Gabriel and Jamison shouted and run towards the dining area without waiting for us.

James shook his head and said "Those two are too hyper in the morning."

"Daddy they are always hyper 24/7."
Ameera said and we all chuckle.

We arrive at the dining area and saw Ella and her 2 son running around the dining room.

"I wonder where those 2 got their hyperness." Parker ask sarcastically.

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