Chapter 4

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                                                                 Chapter 4
                                                                 Game Day

September 6, 2012
The Block
Richard’s Apartment
7:45 AM

The next morning, Terrence waited outside of Richard's door, knocking and waiting impatiently because this day would be the first official practice of varsity basketball.
“C’mon, man, you taking forever," Terrence said while checking his watch.
Richard finally came out with Reggie. "What's your rush? The school not going anywhere," Richard said as he locked the door.
"I know. I'm just nervous. I wanted to hit the gym before the bell rings. Hey, Reggie, what's going on, little man?" Reggie remained silent, playing a handheld device.
"He's in game mode. How your ankle feeling, though?"
"Little better. Kinda tight, but don't hurt much."
They made it outside, and Richard stopped to look around.
"What you looking for, man? School’s this way."
"Looking for Will. When was the last time you spoke to or saw Marcus?" Richard stopped looking and continued walking with Terrence.
"Um, yesterday he was practicing with the football team. They already going to make him a defensive end or halfback."
"Well, remember what happened the other night?" Terrence was ready to interrupt, but Richard continued. “You gotta see what Will and I found out about them. Please, man, talk to Marcus. You guys are close."
"Yo, man, I got other things on my mind,” Terrence said as he pointed at his ankle, “than some science experiment. Besides, Marcus and I aren’t coooool like that. You know who he cool with, though?"
"Jacob. He used to be his lookout. Not sure if you knew that or not; you country boys not up on it. Word is, Jacob is stopping him from joining Marquis’ mini ‘Four Brothers' gang."
At that moment, Terrence and Jacob saw two cops arresting Marquis by the stolen car Jacob had planted the night before.
"I didn't know Marquis was stealing cars now," Terrence said.
"How you know it’s stolen?" Reggie asked.
"The license plates have ‘MD’ on them," Richard said.
Jacob stood off at a distance, watching and drinking coffee.
"I have a gut feeling Jacob is involved with this," Terrence said.
"Let's go, Reggie."
They left and dropped Reggie off at school. Terrence, out of curiosity, asked, "So Will’s not a zombie or possessed or nothing? Didn't want to say nothing around Reggie."
"No, it’s all him."
"‘Cause you know them Pistol boys want his head bad. I heard he took out more of them at the train station, so keep your distance, bro."
"Yeah, I know, but guess what he told me: he said he’s got nothing to worry about. Jacob is handling it."
"Jacob?! What, is he running some type of protective agency?"
"I don’t know what his involvement is, but I know he has one of the rings."
"How? What? He has one? From where?"
"Will said he got it off the street."
"This is crazy. If he can do what Will can do, then we got problems. Five or more Jacobs at a time are no good."
"I don't know what he can do, but I put my ring on after that. I can read minds, move objects, and make shields."
"Yeah, man. I’ll show you after school; we want you to try your ring."
"Ha! We’ll see, man. I got basketball on my mind right now."
Will was nowhere to be found. Richard was hoping to bump into him after he dropped Reggie off, but no luck. Richard was starting to look worried, and Terrence noticed it.
"Maybe he cut class or decided not to come."
"Nah, he said he was coming and going to meet us."
As soon as they reached the school, they saw Will standing outside, this time in his normal attire, nothing fancy. Will ran over to them.
"Hey, guys, what's going on? T, how’s that ankle?"
"It’s all right. On my way to the gym now to shoot around."
"Cool. Who else is gonna be there?"
“Nobody. I have a key since I'm captain."
"Can I come just for a while?"
Terrence looked at Richard. "Sure, why not? C’mon. Later, Rich." Will and Terrence walked up the stairs.
"Later," Richard said, heading to homeroom.
Terrence asked Will, "You not worried about homeroom?"
"Nope, I got that covered."
As Richard was passing Will's homeroom class, he saw Will sitting in the seat. Then he looked back to see Terrence and Will walking together.
In the gym, Terrence was shooting around, and Will was looking around to make sure the coast was clear. He noticed Terrence was in more pain than he claimed. Every time he took a shot, he made a face, and when he landed, he made a noise and swore. After seeing Terrence shoot ten times, Will walked on the court. Terrence was too busy working on his form to notice. Terrence walked to the free throw line. As he was about to shoot, a basketball went in the hoop. Terrence came out of his form to reset. 
"Nice shot, Will."
Terrence turned around to see a clone of himself.
"Whoa, what the—? Am I dreaming?"
"No, I made this for you. I was trying to observe your form, stance, and even language. I can play as you during the game."
"You want me to cheat? I play all my games, boy!"
"T, you’re hurt. I can help you. Just use it until your ankle heals."
Terrence thought about it. "Let's see how it works during practice. But where I'm gonna hide, man? I still have to observe practice."
"You can go behind the bleachers or something."
"Still, man, too risky. Thanks, but no thanks." Terrence went back to shooting.
"Okay, T, whatever you say. I gotta go back to homeroom. See ya."
Will removed the clone of Terrence and shift-swifted back to the clone of himself in homeroom.
"Man, I knew he was weird," Terrence said as he continued shooting free throws.

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