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Darren POV
he had been sleeping for a good 3-4 hours, and he was still asleep. I continue to hold him close, my mother walked through the door with the 4 kids, I turn to them and gently place my finger over my mouth.
"Shhh.. Eli is sleeping right here. " I speak as my mother smiled, and she glanced over the couch at the boy,
"At least he is sleeping. And he is fully aware. " she spoke, I smiled.
"I guess so" I speak softly as I very gently play with his hair, my siblings look at Eli.
"Are you two boyfriends?? " my little sister said, whilst looking up at me, all four of them look at me.
"No, and even if we did right now would be way to early for that, I have only known him for 3-4 almost 5 days. " I speak as they all pout.
"Awh! But look at him! " my little brother said. I glance at Eli who was so peaceful, and curled up adorable, his face scrunched up just barely due to his face laying on his hand. I smile.
"Yeah. I see him" I speak softly as my mom smiled and ruffled my hair a bit.
"It was destined to happen- me and your father had a conversation about it ya know- we don't care if you are gay by the way hon. We love you no matter what. " my mom spoke, hugging me gently. I smile.
"Well it's good to know you don't care-" I say as she laughed. And walked to the kitchen. The kids looked at me and then at Eli, and then they ran after mom. I pick Eli up without waking him, I move to get comfortable, I lay down and I lay him down right beside me, he turned to face me and snuggled up to me, I knew he didn't know what he was doing but I didn't mind it, I pull a cover over the both of us and I began falling asleep also. .

Joseph walked through the door and set his bag down and sighed.
"Shh! " Sasha said as he looked at her.
(Moms name: Sasha, Dads Name: Joseph, Daughter 1: Lizzie, Son 1: Karmen, Daughter 2: Kara, Son 2: Zero)
"Oh! Why??  Are the kids asleep? Sorry! " Joseph whispered
"Well, not the little ones but-" Sasha said as she pointed at the couch.
Joseph walked over the couch and peeked over, seeing Eli and Darren sleeping, Eli cuddled up to Darren.
He smiled and walked in to the kitchen.
"Are they dating yet?- if not- They would be so good together not gonna lie-" Joseph spoke.
"Sadly not yet, but I agree that it's a little bit to early. It's only been a few days since they have met, less than a week, so give it some time" sasha said.
"Oh, well that's true. I mean give it a few months- " Joseph spoke as he plopped down into one of the chairs and sat comfortably.

~about 2 more hours later~

my eyes fluttered open, I smelt something.. It was.. Really nice, and soothing... It smelt manly in a way, I felt strong arms hold me close as I look up to see Darren peacefully sleep.

S-shit! D-didnt I accident cuddle up to him?! Awh god damn it!! I tend to do that a lot with like pillows and stuff.. Or stuffed animals..
Are you serious?! I mean his arm is around me but.. It's embarrassing..

I began thinking to myself my face turned red...

He.. He smelt really nice though... It was odd cause I've never seen him wear Cologne.. Does he naturally smell like this?

I thought once again. I close my eyes to take in the moment... I have never felt this kind of affection before it was... Different.. I felt him shift a little, taking a deep breath, I glance up at him again and I watch him open his eyes,  he looked down at me. I lifted up quickly and I looked at him, he lifted up a little bit too.
"I-i-im s-sorry! I'm s-so sorry! " I speak as his mother, and his father peek out of the kitchen and they look at us.
"Hey hey hey! Easy there tiger. Sorry for what? " he spoke to me, his voice was calming..

Darren POV
"Hey hey hey! Easy there tiger. Sorry for what" I spoke as he looked down in embarrassment.
"I-i have a ha-habit o-of c- cuddling u-up to p-people o-or th-things like pillows o-or stuffed animals when I s-sleep i-i-im j-" he spoke, speaking quickly as tears filled his eyes but I grab his face.
"Hey. Listen. I don't mind okay? Take it easy. Breathe. No need to be embarrassed. " I say softly to him as I rub the tear away from his face,
"You'll be just fine. I'm not judging you. " I say once more, as I hug him kind of, he hugged me back, tightly. I smile..

He was so tiny.. Yet I feel like he never takes time for himself... I think it's something he is used to.... But there's no need... He really needs to get used to taking time for himself... And I really wish he knew how many people were really here for him...

We both gently pull away from the hug. My hand very gently rested on the side of his face, he hand onto my wrist very very gently.. I rub the small tear away from under his eye, I gently place my other hand on his face.

Nobody's POV
Sasha looks at Joseph, And Joseph shares a look with Sasha.
"I stand corrected- they are perfect-" Sasha whispers to Joseph.

Darren POV
I gently place my lips on his forehead, giving him a small gentle kiss, he blushed a little and looked up at me.. Something sparked.. Because his eyes lit up a little bit and he sat up a little higher and looked up at me. I smile and I look at him.
"What do you want? " I say playfully, he giggled a little and moved a bit closer and hugged me again.
I smile and I hug him.
"See. There's nothing to fear, and nothing to worry about" I speak softly, he looked up at me..

I really wanna kiss him.. But I don't want to make him uncomfortable.. Especially with his situation.

Abuse?. (A bxb toxic relationship story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora