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"some kill, some steal, some break your heart, and you thought that i would let it go?"revengexxxtentacion

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"some kill, some steal, some break your heart, and you thought that i would let it go?"

piercing raindrops threatened the metal overhead, gliding down the slanted roof and spluttering against the wetted concrete with a pacifying chunk. one trailing another, racing against a translucent pane of a window, battling for first place in friendly competition.

the air hung thick in their throats, combatting the much needed use of their lungs, clutching their breathing in an unmistakable grasp.

florida got immensely humid when the cursed downpour blessed the state.

"we need to run that again," he hissed, fingertips draining from their color as he squeezed unyieldingly around the neck of his guitar.

a chorus of sighs escaped from the members sprawled across the hardwood. as hours drained down the sink, their eye bags seemed to ink deeper into their skin, a semi permanent reminder that they were bone-tired and on the last of their legs.

a nest of brunette fluff rose from the floor, shooting daggers at their leader. his lilac sweatshirt swallowed his arms whole, and a sweater paw batted at a stray piece of hair that rested between his eyes. "what we need is some sleep."

with an exasperated huff, the leader began to thumb at a collection of memorized chords on his guitar. despite the scarcity of the notes, they drifted levelly throughout the mugginess of the studio, and enveloped the rest of the group into an accompanied trance.

his head snapped up after a few blissful moments, and the natural waves of his hair bobbled along with the force. "breaks over. run it again."

"what if we say no?" the other member tested, tipped back on his stool until his back pressed against the soundproof panels. his drum set, the roland vad706, glistened orange in the moonlight dripping from the windowsill. upwards of 7,000 dollars with a flame engraved into the side, it was a prized possession to the man who hid behind it with pleading expressions.

"then you're out," the leader bit, as if that answer should have been blatantly obvious. he continued to pick at a few stray chords as he waited for the rest of the crew to return to their respective instruments.

the man dressed in lavender didn't attempt to hide his scowl. it was etched into his face majority of the time since their extensive rehearsals started and the leader of the group held a constant chip on his shoulder. "come on, man, we're exhausted."

no remorse filtered across hardened eyes. "the apollo gig holds no room for slacking off."

a purple hood was ripped over a nest of hair as the boy stumbled towards his keyboard. his fingers ached as he allowed them to graze across the porcelain keys, and he tapped a soft knuckle against it in an encouraging manner. even the instruments needed some rest. "whatever. let's just run through it successfully and be done."

"fine by me," orange drum set mumbled, separating his back from the panels and returning his stool to the ground. he leaned into the tangerine bowls with a sizeable sigh.

heads whizzed to the door as it blew open in the midst of preparation, and the storm fell twice as loud with the exposure. an ocean blue beanie strutted through instantaneously, his signature sneer wiped across his lips. he was glowing with pride as he bounded into the studio with an oversized paper bag. "i got us dinner!"

the boys fled to their manager, but the guitarist stuck his ground. he wasn't the type for sugar coating, even if his stomach was summersaulting at the savoriness of bacon cheeseburgers. "did you find him?"

the glow simmered. quirked lips fell, and the beanie boy glowered for a shattered second. "way to spoil the fun."

"cut the bullshit, quackity."

he placed the bag on the floor for the scavengers to dig into, and shot a pointed glare towards his friend. "i found him."


a prolonged silence washed over the crowd. quackity huffed at the leader of their band that was void of emotion. "and he's been found. there's nothing else to it."

"nothing else to it?" he buzzed, a fist tightening around the strap of his exorbitant instrument. his thumb brushed against a smiley face carved into the body. "we are in desperate need for a new face after the kinoko incident."

quackity faltered at the harsh mention of the event that rolled so smoothly off of the other's tongue. that was something they left unsaid. he knew better than to step any closer. "we'll find you another one, dream."

hollow eyes bored into his friends. with a final, "you fucking better," he and his stringed baby were blowing out the door.


short and not so sweet. the actual chapters will be much longer! just a little background since we'll be living on george's side from now on. :)

781 words

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