World Jam

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Moose and I quietly snuck our way back down to the area where everyone was sleeping, trying not to wake everyone up, but when we got there everyone was putting a jacket on. Moose and I looked at them confused.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Carlos is outside. We're going to see what he wants" Luke says. Everyone begins walking to the doors and we leave, seeing Carlos standing on the other side of the gate, leaning against the brick wall.

"Carlos. I knew you'd come back. We need you, man"

"You need me, huh?" Carlos asks.


"Well, check this out. Got a message from Julian" he says.

"What are you talking about?" Luke asks.

"I've been training with the Samurai's alright"

"What?" Luke asks in disbelief.

"They wanna offer you a deal" Carlos says.

"Is this a joke?" Luke clenched his jaw.

"You want the house back? You can have it back, Free and clear"

"What's the catch?"

"Throw the battle" Corliss says. I roll my eyes and Luke scoffs.

"Throw the battle?"

"Wow are you guys that worried we'll beat you?" I ask tauntingly. Carlos stares at me and rolls his eyes.

"Throw the battle. Can't you see? I'm trying to give y'all a chance to have what you want" Carlos says.

"How could you do this?" Luke asks his used to be friend.

"This is real life, Luke. When you gonna wake your ass up and see that? It's time to grow up. The samurai will win at any cost"

"You need to leave, now" Luke threatens getting right up close the the gate separating them from a cat fight. Carlos stares intensely and nods.

"Think about it. The offer still stands. Or you could take your chances at the battle" He walks away chuckling, leaving us all confused and angry. Luke bangs his fists against the metal fence and turns around leading all of us back inside. It's on.


The arena was packet. There were hundreds of people ready to watch the battle and I was incredibly nervous. It just made me think about how I can't mess up. I can't let the Pirates down.

"What's up, everybodyyyyy! My name is Grandmaster Caz and I'd like to welcome you to the biggest dance battle on planet earth. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the World Jam! Let's go!"

Everyone cheers loudly, waving their flags in the air. The music starts playing and the battle begins. While two crews dance, off to the side their was a circle for freestyle warm up. People were doing flips and tricks and just getting each other hyped for the battle. All of our crew in our matching burgundy and silver jackets, walked around observing some of the dancers and Moose and I laughed and clapped at some of the moves people were doing. It was our turn soon and I felt myself getting more nervous by the second. It will go away once we start dancing, but this kind of thing always happens.

"Coming up next, our main event: the World Jam championship matchup. The house of Pirates versus the House of Samurai. And this battle is the battle you won't forget" The grandmaster announces. The samurai crew walks up a few feet across from us and I glare dangers at them. Julian smirked at Carlos to set Luke off, and I could tell it bothered him. I pat Luke on the back encouragingly.

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