The hunt is on the prize? The "one of a kind" ghost children

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It was the night before Lancer's test, we were all out fighting ghosts and trying to study and Danny as usual was losing. We made it a game I was winning he had gotten every single one of them wrong. We were trying once again to defeat the box ghost. It was late at night we should've been home sleeping or studying.

Aw come on Box Ghost you couldn't had picked a nicer place to be defeated? Yeah this place smells like sea water and has a lot of rats walking around this place is a dump?! Ok come on Farrah let's get this over with. Danny you sound super tired. I'm not tired I'm just tired of playing this game. You only don't like it because you're losing.

Enough! I am the box ghost, blah, blah, blah.... Very funny, look pal we know who you are, but unlike you we have lives to get back to and we have studying we have to do for a test. You mean you have to study?! Oh would you just come on Faith enough with that I get it you're smart. We don't have time for this Sam Tucker Jack now!

The gang beats down the door Tucker and Jack lifting the lid of the ghost thermos as we push the ghost inside of it. Tucker says some lame joke handing the thermos off to Jack. Sam then uses this lame attempt to compare it to a question on our science test or whatever test we're trying to study for. Danny tries to answer the question and right away get's it wrong.

*Face palm* Hey bro don't you pay any attention in class, besides you're so gonna fail that test tomorrow BTW TBH. Yeah I know will you stop getting the answers right?! Hey it's not my fault I'm getting them all right! Farrah so help me the next ghost that get's shoved into that thing is gonna be you if you don't stop.

You wouldn't dare?! Oh yeah try me! Whoa hold on now! Danny what's up?! Yeah man?! We look at each then burst out laughing. That's too funny. Sorry you guys, but he's just playin'. Yeah Danny says taking his knuckles rubbing them to my hair, we both laugh and the others roll their eyes. Hey BTW Tucker Jack be careful with that thing it's not a toy.

Don't worry about it you guys they're all right here nothing is gonna happen to them once so ever. Right Jack?! Tucker says patting his back a lil too hard. He starts to drop it and Jack starts making freaking out sounds. Tucker? Whoops. Oh great now they're all gone again! Beware I am once again the Box Ghost and all my other ghost friends have now escaped once again from that prison with in your thermos thing you can't contain any of us in a spear like box! You fools!

Tucker and Jack check our to do lists and see that it is time to be finished we look over at them with that "we're gonna kill you both look!" In the distance a new villain seeks us out. Hm.... Look at them both half ghost half child supposed to be one of a kind and yet here are 2 for the price of one they'll do oh so nicely in my collection.

Beware! Touch the box and your head will be the next one mounted on my wall. Skulker says without taking his "eyes" off of us. Early the next morning Jazz is jumping up and down with some form of magazine in her hand yelling about someone saying yes. Who? Yeah who said yes Jazz the people that all agree what a snob you are?! Danny?!

Hey she walked into that one! *Ug* No! Genius magazine said yes and they want to put Farrah and mom on the cover for being reunited after being lost from each other from figuring out that they were part of the same family. That Farrah is now welcomed into Maddie Fenton's new family with her birth mother who she never saw since the day she was born, but somehow found her way back home.

That's uh great Jasmine. You bet your honey biscuits that it's great Farrah this is a great opportunity for us I mean for you it's for the 2 of you. Genius magazine wait a min is it the swimsuit issue?! No dad! Right Jazz?! Right Farrah why would I do that?! That would be selfish! So it is the swimsuit issue. Oh Danny hush!

She's right this is my time to show that our family is normal and not a pair of ghost hunting freaks. That's very sweet Jasmine, but I don't think your sister wants everyone reading about her hard times of making it into this family, besides your father and I are team if they want the girls they have to take your father too. She's right Jazzy, just like she always is.

They're not ghost hunting freaks! Hey twins check this out it's the latest invention of ghost hunting gear it takes the normal everyday speech and turns it into ghost speaking language. Check it out go on say something?! Uh.... Um.... Hi? I am a ghost fear me. Go on Danny your turn. Fine. Um.... Uh.... Boo? I am also a ghost fear me.

Um.... Come on Farrah let's go to school! He says freaking out taking my hand and our bags out for school. We better get to school fear us. At school we got our grades from the tests back. I got a D?! Aw man my parents are gonna kill me! These ghosts are cutting into our study time. Oh well how did you do on the test? It doesn't matter. Let me see it.

Nope I say logging into my journal sliding it in. Hey what was that? What?! The stuff in there? Nothing important. Forget I won't push. Thanks I appreciate that. Don't think that this means I still won't continue to ask about it. I know and maybe someday I'll show you the inside, but for now the only way in is with my finer print. So good luck.

*sigh* you know if we don't bring home good grades our parents will hurt us. I shuttered at the thought. Glad that I got a good grade. After I shivered Jack asked if I was ok and scooted a lil bit away from me thinking I was cold. Come back. Farrah you just shivered aren't you cold? Are you kidding? No, not since the accident happened even if I did get cold I don't now ghosts are like cod blooded or whatever.

Then why did you just shiver? No reason. Danny what happened to Farrah? Huh? You just said "you know if we don't bring home good grades our parents will hurt us" and then she shivered. Uh oh. Dang it. I'm sorry sis, I didn't mean literally, I just meant that they would probably be disappointed in us if we do bad on school stuff. Geez kiddo something bad must've really happened to make you so afraid of Vlad and of other adults and I think what's ever in there is the answer.

I hold my book tight to my chest. Don't worry about it Farr's I won't ask again to look inside of it. I'm just worried about you that's all. Yeah bro we all are, I mean girl, because you know your not you know a dude. Thanks Tucker that actually made me feel a little bit better. Besides what if you uh did some extra work? What kind of extra work? This kind. Sam pull up the link. Ok on it.

The Purple Back Gorilla? Yeah super rare and 2 left both being male after this their gone forever and your job is gonna be to write about why they deserve to be set free. Oh come on you guys you know I have time for extra credit or agendas! Actually Danny you do. Yeah dude and we've decided to me your time mangers after all it's the least we can do after Sam made Jack and I let those other ghosts free last night. IDK about this guys.

Yeah well we do we'll be in charge of the time you spend on your school work with the time you spend on this extra assignment thanks to Sam for letting out all those other ghosts and everything. Come Tucker enough, besides remember last time we let you handle the ghost thermos. That also is marked down to not let the guys handle the thermos. Well what do we have to lose? That's the spirit little brother now come on let's go to the zoo and check it out.

Way ahead of you come on you guys let's go. Skulker flies in looking at the computer Sam was using to try and figure out where we were gonna be. So ghost children this is what your up to, you will soon lead me right up to my pry, which is the 2 of you. Excuse me Mr. Robot Man, but are you done with the computer? If so may I use it? As if to say no Skulker flings green goo at the boy and flies off.

Later that night we went to the zoo the boys board the girls watching, watching, and still watching, the Gorilla do absolutely nothing, and loving it. He was so peaceful. Sam tries to come up with more words to describe what was happening. We were the only 5 there since it was so late at night. Hey ladies this is all well and fun and good and all, but we've been watching this thing scratch his butt for, how long? 6 hours. Right time sure flies while you sit and scratch your butt.

Hey come on it's only a matter of time before someone finds out something beautiful about this thing. Sam's right Danny you should go over there and learn to speak with him, you have to.... Danny? Great he's asleep. Tucker Jack, your his manger could you maybe? *Face Palm* Ok come on let's go we got this Sam. 1st though.... I say taking a picture of the 3 guys hugging in their sleep. LOL boys cuddling in their sleep makes every yearbook funny. Sam says high fiving me.

From inside the tiger cage Skulker was also watching Samson, that would be the gorilla. He was just as board as the boys were, the tiger got angry and became a prize in a sack for the hunter watching the boys from above, in our area. Samson heard the loud noises, asking to be let out to go help his friend so we, out of the kindness of our hearts let him free. He attacked Skulker, he then flies through the window crashing and Danny shivers as his ghost sense goes off, not waking up. I see the ghost, but he doesn't see me, and I'd defeat it except that Jack was holding it close to his chest.

Now for the ghost children. Skulker says right before the gorilla comes back to attack again. The ghost escapes and Samson starts pounding on the wall waking all the boys up who scream seeing the set free gorilla then scream again realizing they're all hugging. Danny panics and changes into his ghost form. He picks the gorilla up and puts him back into his cage. Danny we need to.... I wonder who let the gorilla out?! Sam? Yeah Farrah?!

Just you wait ladies wait until we tell the whole school you both let out a 200 pound gorilla! All we had to do was show them the picture we took of them and shuts them right up. You know we could always just keep this to ourselves, yeah you know we have no real proof they did that you know. True. We can be so evil sometimes. We both shared an evil look as the scenery changes. I had no energy to fly back home and twice almost fell out of the sky. Farrah stay awake. Ok I'll try.

After Danny said that I started to fall again, he made freaking out noises and flew down to catch me yet again. Ok, I guess you can't I guess I'll just have to carry you. No, it's ok I'll fly. Forget it. Danny you're so tired really I can still fly, I just need to wake up a little. We're almost home Farrah I'll carry you. No I got it you fly. Thanks Jack. Hey you 3 alright up there? Sam asked from bellow all of us with Tucker as they rode back on their scooters.

Farrah's falling asleep so Jack's carrying her the rest of the way home. Well that's nice of him. What are you talking about Sam? Danny asked from above everyone talking through head sets. Never mind. Whatever I'm too tired to care. If you say so Danny. When we arrive home we've changed back. Mom Dad and Jazz were in the middle of the genius magazine interview. Aw it's too bad my sister couldn't be here since this is really about her and mom, but my siblings and her friends are out doing a project for science so.... Yes well so Maddie, how about you and your daughter, and while I got you here what is it you're working on right now?

Jazz starts going on about some nonsense about something, that didn't for once involve ghosts. Maddie ruins it though and Jazz couldn't be happier to see us. Danny, look at you, and oh poor Farrah she's fallen asleep in Jackson's arms, aw how cute. Danny I'm not sure I like this zoo project you're a mess and your sister's asleep in a friend's arms. Here Jack hand her to me. It's fine mom we're just a group of friends at the zoo after hours. We'll be up in our room.

We'll be up in my room fear me. Give me that! Jazz says taking the invention away hiding it a way, now where were we? Oh and Danny, if our sister wakes up anytime soon send her down for the interview please?! Go on in twins home sweet home, you know for the next few mins. Uh Danny? I ask seeing the blue mist coming out of our mouths, opening our door to Skulker standing in the door way waiting for us. Hello ghost children I've been waiting for you.

He then captures us and pulls into our room trapped into a ghost net. Hey what's going on here? Yeah and who are you? Who am I? I am Skulker, I'm a hunter and a collector of rare and unusual objects and you ghost children are what the Dr. Ordered. It really is quite the shame though children I thought you might put up more of a fight. Especially the ghost girl knowing her background.

Oh don't worry we will! Danny says bursting out of the net. Won't we Faith?! We sure will Danny. That's the ghost from the zoo! The twins?! No the other one that captured the twins! Lots of loud noises come from our room getting questioned from downstairs. What's going on up there?! Downstairs the interview was going on still downstairs. It was still going horribly. Our parents still yelling about ghosts.

Sam Tucker Jackson get down from there there are ghosts in the house! Actually there's 3.... I mean there's too much homework to be done for ghosts to in the house. Yeah the twins are up in their room, uh lifting weights. Wait they don't have that kind of stuff up there! The computer! Wait that's Jazz's. That's why they're using the computer?

Back in the kitchen we burst through the floor of the room above crashing into the table my shoulder in pain, but Danny perfectly fine. Everyone comes in seeing the kitchen table to bits. Uh.... Hiya! Down in the basement. Come children it's time I've brought you to your new home. *Crash* What is going on?! It's probably some form of rat in the basement. Don't leave we got this, come on guys let's go.

I think I'd like to learn a little bit more about these twins. Uh..... That's probably not such a great idea. She's right I'd like to know what they're doing up there! Back downstairs.... Wait what are you doing?! Danny asks Skulker as he has captured us in his grasp. *Gasp* Faith your shoulder is hurt! I'm fine Danny I'll be ok. Ha unlikely where you're going ghost girl! Why what are you gonna do to us?! For him I'm gonna take him back to my world on display in a cage kind of like an animal, in my collection. As for you, a special someone has requested that you return back to them!

Vlad?! I didn't get a name, but he was certain to use yours Farrah Masters! *Gasp* No! Let me go you can't take me there! I can, and I will he wanted to make sure you stayed daddy's little girl for a much longer period of time. Mostly forever grounded or locked away in tower out of human contact, he was specific as to keeping you locked away from ALL Fenton's especially this one. After hearing that whole thing, that shut me up fast, I was scared shocked.

Ha at last the time has come, the time to put you in your separate cages, I'm thinking forever. Skulker said lifting us up opening the ghost portal. With me being scared in silence, my brother did all the talking, well he only had one word to say, nooooooo! Danny screamed. No is right Danny cages are wrong, how do you think Samson feels?! But.... He's a beautiful creature that deserves to roam free! But I.... Skulker mumbles, should be ashamed of yourself. Sam starts to finish.

With Skulker distracted Danny takes his shot to attack. I fall to the ground still too scared to move, my shoulder also still in pain. Farrah?! Jack and Tucker yell running over to me as Sam helps Danny in anyway she can. You're gonna be ok Farrah I promise. Jack says, resting a hand on my hurt shoulder trying to help heal it. Whoa dude take a look at this! Tucker says to him. She's like totally unresponsive. Jack hugs me and starts to poke at me, none of which action I either respond to.

Uh oh?! What uh oh what do you think happened?! IDK, but whatever it is it isn't good! Tucker gets up to help Danny while Jack looks over me, Tucker runs off running into Skulker who crashes into him, taking his PDA. Skulker picks up the device rips out his old one and attaches Tucker's. Danny flies over to stop him and when he does Skulker shoots green handcuffs at his wrists and ankles trapping him to the ground.

Nice job Tuck you just had to make robo man ghost badder then he was before! Jack says yelling at Tucker as Sam corrects his grammar. Gee sorry guys, I didn't know my PDA was ghost friendly! Skulker tries to kill us, but the PDA goes off now controlling the ghost's every action, by what the screen reads.

As Skulker is forced to leave the room he shouts, no stop the hunt isn't over I'll be back I swear! As soon as he's gone the cuffs fly off of Danny, but I'm still stuck the way I was. We did it! Well sorta.... Freaking out noises..... Farrah?! I think she'll be ok, but what happened?! I'm not sure Skulker was talking about, oh no! Farrah?! Look at me! Turn her towards me! What, what was the ghost talking about?! *sigh* he was talking about Vlad and how his plan for her was to take her to Vlad, but how he never got a name of the person who wanted her, he said that it was gonna be more of a forever grounding type thing when he brought her back that he planned on locking her in a tower away from all human contact. Especially us, especially me.

She's scared shocked. Skulker will pay for this. Hey her shoulder it's mostly fixed thanks Jack. How'd you know he did it?! Who else could have helped heal it Sam?! You're right. Danny scoots up really close to me wrapping his arms tightly around me. Farrah listen to me ok?! IDK if you can hear me right now, but Skulker's gone and I won't ever let anyone bring you back to Vlad he'll never hurt you Farrah, as long as I'm around he'll never hurt you.

IDK what is was, but hearing the sound of my brother's voice telling me everything was going to be ok, that Vlad was never gonna hurt me again, made me snap out of my trance. He's gone Farrah he's not gonna hurt you, Skulker nor your father, I won't let them. As I started snapping out of it I started crying, hugging him back, holding him close.

It's ok Farrah Danny's here Danny's here. I've got you I've got you baby girl Danny's got you I'm right here. I just kept crying. He held me close. Never letting me go. Danny Farrah where are you guys there's someone who'd like to meet you both?! Our room we yell freaking out flying to it. Our room was trashed from the fight our mother trying to come in to check on us.

She stops when she see's my tears. Farrah what in the world happened to you?! Vlad again mom she's fine, I promise well I gotta go, thanks for stopping by, but this isn't good timing. Rude, but caring of his little sister, kind and caring, but keeps people out, and shoves people away except his twin sister. This would make a wonderful story too bad their not both women! Good thing Farrah is though she's part of the original story.

In the morning the next day I was freaking out. Aahhhh! I cried when I woke up, shivering. Farrah what's wrong what happened?! Vlad, he, he.... I cried shivering again. It's ok Farrah today's gonna be just fine. Now come on I'm sure our friends are waiting for us. We go to school worried to see Skulker. Any sign of him? Nope not yet, come on let's get to class.

Skulker lurks in the shadows plotting. Later after class, one of our classes we go to our locker and green chains run across Danny's body trapping him to the lockers behind us. They rap around me threating to choke me. Danny Farrah?! Our friends yell. When the agenda thing goes off and Skulker gets forced to fly off the green chains release Danny and when they release me I fall to the ground *gasping* for breath. Later at lunch we don't eat anything.

Come on you guys please eat something, not now he could be anywhere! Farrah already barely eats as it is though, come on make her eat something Danny! No! Why? Vlad almost never fed me at home so I don't get hungry. Come on he's right Farrah. Eat. No way food is dangerous hence the meat lady.

Fine I'll eat Tucker says opening a bottle of milk a trap springing out at us trying to choke us both. Well really his tries to attack his face, mine seems to enjoy choking me. When Skulker flies off we find out he's bound to our agenda. He has to go where we were gonna go next. We all had gym next period.

Hey Dash, (hey Britney) Both: I'm to weak and defenselessness (broken) to open my locker will you open it for me?! Get out of the way loser! They both say opening them getting our trap. Later back at the zoo we were ahead of our agenda waiting for Skulker to show up, in our ghost costumes, might I add.

Skulker waits for us to show up Tucker Sam and Jack all inside a real looking Samson suit. One stupid fight and insults later, we showed up to beat him up. To give us some spare time Tucker and Jack mess with the PDA agenda. Come on power him down Tuck! He refuses and the other one gets smashed just like the last PDA. Tucker your fired! Now using our knowledge of gorilla talk Samson the real one comes back and defeats Skulker tearing him apart, to reveal a tiny frog like ghost on the inside of the suit of of armor.

I am Skulker the most feared predictor you will fear me I say fear me. So more pathetic then the idiot Box Ghost when he's just himself. We find out all along that the boy gorilla is really a girl and the 4 of us me mom the gorilla and Danny get to be on the cover of the genius magazine, the bad news is, after all the hard work Danny did he only still got a C.

He wishes he had something to take the bad grade out on and low and behold we get the Box Ghost. I am the Box Ghost fear me!

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