The 1st time meeting the pathetic excuse of a ghost the Box Ghost

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It was at least a week after the dance I had some catching up to do. *Ug* stupid school! Hey you don't have to go to school you're lucky. Lucky? Danny you've had education and a sibling and parents that care about you. Mom gave me up because I'm part Vlad's daughter. Farrah don't talk about Vlad we know he's horrible! It's not just dad it's mom too.

Farrah that's the past come on just get over it. I can't Danny I was abandoned you never were you have everything! You'll never understand. You know what Danny I have work to catch up I'm going to class! Farrah wait! It was too late though I had already gone to class. I drew in my notebook at school all day long drawing ghosts and Jack and our family and Vlad good. He was ok when we wasn't hurting me. We were in Lancer's class I was distracted I at the same time as drawing was thinking about my old life.

Ms. Fenton what is the answer? Um.... I'm sorry IDK I haven't gotten that far in the make up work yet. He nods at me calling on someone else. Farrah are you ok? Jack asks me. He was always sitting next to me in class everyone was usually all in the same classes together we always sat close to each other Tucker and some nerd girl Sam and Danny or sometimes Jack and Danny or Tucker and Danny the rare occasion where we sat next to each other.

What about you Tucker you usually know the right answer to my questions help me out?! He answers it and a few mins. later we all got our homework. We were told to work on it, but I just couldn't today. Usually I knew the answers to the questions too. Farrah are you ok? I wasn't paying attention I was staring out the window. I hadn't noticed I had been even crying until Jack actually had the guts to ask me what was wrong.

Farrah what's wrong?! Huh? He tried to open my notebook and I slammed my hand down on it. I'm ok why? You're crying. I am? Ok so I am. What's wrong?! IDK you tell me you're the one that noticed I was even crying. Class was almost over, I asked to be excused. Is everything alright Ms. Fenton? Can I please just be excused I'm not feeling well?

Very well Farrah feel better. I skipped the rest of my classes and changed into my ghost form going invisible so that I couldn't be seen. I flew home and opened the ghost portal roaming around in it trying to map it out. Back at school my friends were worried about me. Hey you guys where's Farrah? IDK she wasn't in any of the other classes with us?!

Danny what did you do? What do you mean what did I do Jack's the one that was sitting next her?! Yeah, but Danny she was clearly upset about something before class even started and you're the only one of us that see's her before Lancer. So what happened? Sam asked him putting her arms on his shoulders.

*sigh* ok, ok, so right before Lancer she started complaining about school and stuff and I said she was lucky because she didn't have to be here if she didn't need to be. Then what dude? Then Tucker she got sorta jealous, in a way I guess, because she was talking about how lucky I was to have an education and siblings and parents that actually care about her. So I brought up Vlad, because I figured that's who we were talking about. So she's still not used to being in this life? Jack asked him. Well I think for Farrah it's complicated My mom is her mom, but Vlad's her dad and my mom kind of abandoned her, because she still belongs to Vlad partly. Ouch! They all say together except Danny.

Yeah or at least that's what Farrah seems to think. So in other words this just goes back to Vlad? Yeah, and I guess I was starting to get annoyed with her always talking about Vlad and told her that he was in the past and to just move on from it and let it go. I shouldn't had said that though, I think I hurt her feelings.

Hey Jack? What's that? IDK it's your sister's. I know it has her name on it and she's always writing in it, I just, she never lets me see it so I haven't pushed for answers. Well I guess if the only way to find out what's going on is in the notebook lets look inside of it she's not here she'll never know. Yeah, but guys that would be invading his sister's privacy she already doesn't trust us or feel really that comfortable around any of us so that could just set us back further with her with trust. You've kept something like this haven't you Sam?!

Well not with emotions and secrets really, she says blushing, b-but more goth stuff and my UV stuff/ change and help the Earth become a better place stuff. I have a life outside ghost hunting with you guys you know? Come on just one little peek Sam? No! Give me that! She says taking it from him, but then something strange goes off from the notebook, a message appears from the cover.

If you are Farrah use your finger print to log in. A few secs go by and it then writes, you aren't Farrah Journal on lock-down mode. It then grows chains on it with a slot for my finger print as the key to opening it. Back inside the portal I was practicing my ghost powers and started to get into a fight with another main ghost type.

I am the Box Ghost master of all things box and square tremble before me ghost girl. Whoa another main enemy. I start fighting it off which it's easy to do and suck him up into my ghost thermos thing. Whoa I gotta go tell Danny about this. I start to leave the portal then stop, because I'm still upset with him.

Back on the way home they all wonder where I could possibly be. When they got home they went to the basement seeing the ghost portal unlocked. Uh oh. Farrah? Where are you I know you're in there come out I have questions for you and I'm sorry I never met to hurt you. I slowly start coming home. Farrah I can see you.

I'm not gonna chase after you, so please come back in here?! So I do still scared and sad. What happened to you? Yeah Snowflake where've you been? I'm fine Danny really I am. Jack Sam what is that? It's your journal Sam and Jack were fighting over it when you left! Tucker says. Sam? Jack? No we weren't you left it in class so I picked it up and then Sam took it from me making sure we couldn't read it, but then your chains went on so that' why it's like that.

Yeah we were gonna open it to try and figure out what was wrong with you. I understand, and I'm not mad at you, but why didn't you just ask me? I tried to, you skipped class after that the rest of the day, and ran away to the ghost zone apparently. Oh yeah I did, and BTW I said telling them what I found out and all about the Box Ghost.

That's awesome. Hey we should probably go do our homework now. We have a Science test in Lancer tomorrow. What about my make up work? Well we kind of stole that and got some cute girl that was into Jack to help you out with that so your welcome. Um, ok thanks guys. Then is homework done then? You can say that. Sweet. Bye. Not so fast, ghost sense.

Box Ghost, oh come on you again, this is gonna be a quick battle you can this one Danny I said pulling my journal out of Sam's hands and running to our room. Farrah?! Come back!

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