Welcome back after a hectic weekend

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Well I guess that means its time for bed. Are you ready for school tomorrow? Yeah I mean as bad as it was seeing Vlad, spending time with our mom was actually not as bad as we thought. Yeah it was actually surprisingly fun. Yeah I actually had a good time.

Too bad we have school tomorrow. Uh yeah, that is like super bad, but not nearly as bad as spending the weekend with dad. Thoughts: Semi truce or not! Yeah well should we go off to sleep? Yeah maybe. We then hear a knock on our door. Come in.

So how was your guys weekend really? Jazz asked us. Well seeing Vlad wasn't much of a picnic. You guys saw Vlad? I thought it was going to FL? It was supposed to but it turns out it was just one of dad's evil plots to get mom to drop your dad, and bring myself and Danny home and get back together with mom. That and we had some pretty brutal, um.... Monster attacks. But we had a great bonding time with mom.

Oh? So now that we're on the subject, how was your weekend really? Well it started off pretty boring, until these huge monsters came and attacked us, at one point I tried on one of mom's jump suits and my dad taught me some really great ghost fighting techniques, kind of like the monster you guys saw me ride off of when you came inside. Dad's actually pretty cool, sometimes.

Well goodnight she said kissing both our foreheads ruffling our hair. Sweet dreams. She said closing the door. Again still never have had any before. This night was gonna be no different. Ever since I reconnected with Wulf my nightmares started being about Wulf and still about dad. Suddenly I was tossing and turning and crying and speaking Esperanto in my sleep.

Wulf Mi maltrafas vin bonvolu reveni..... Wulf I miss you please come back. Paĉjo bonvolu ne vundi min, mi promesas esti bona, mi promesas veni hejmen..... Daddy please don't hurt me, I promise to be good, I promise to come home. Wulf helpu mi amas vin...... Wulf help, I love you! Suddenly I hear the alarm go off, and Danny wakes up, I'm still asleep tossing and turning crying out. Ok good morning, time to start another day. I suddenly cry out, Ne, ne bonvolu ne vundi min, Wulf mi bezonas vin, bonvolu helpi protekti min.... No, no please don't hurt me, Wulf I need you, please help protect me?!

Farrah?! OMG she's crying out in Esperanto again, she must be dreaming about Wulf. Ne, ne! Helpi mi, helpi mi! No, no help me help me! Farrah wake up. Danny says using his thumb to wipe my tears away, and move my wet hair out of my face. When I feel touched, my body panics and I shoot a laser out of my hand as Danny ducks just in time. Farrah wake up please?!

What do I do, what do I do?! onan tagon, ĉu vi povus reteni ĝin iomete Danny? Good morning, could you keep it down a little Danny? What? Bonan tagon? Kian parton de tio vi ne komprenis la bonan aŭ la matenan parton? Good morning? What part of that didn't you understand the good or the morning part? Farrah speak English!

Angla? Kio? Ho, mi devas paroli Esperanto denove, pardonu pri tio.. English? What? Oh I must be speaking Esperanto again, sorry about that. Speak English?! ? Oh I'm sorry Danny. That's better. Are you ok? What do you mean you were speaking Esperanto in your sleep, probably dreaming about Wulf. Oh I'm sorry, I was, I miss him, I was also dreaming about dad. IDK why but after reconnecting with Wulf I must've went back to just fluently speaking Esperanto.

He came over and gave me a great big hug. We should get ready for school. I picked up my phone and texted Jack. Who are you texting? No one! Just uh checking on something. Um ok? Me: Hey, since the girls aren't in our bio class, and I'm pretty sure we're doing that parent unit in class today, do you maybe want to be my partner? Jack: Sure beats doing it with a total stranger, or some other random chick. Me: Gee I feel wanted. Jack: Come on you know I didn't mean it like that. Me: Hey I'm just kidding bro, see ya at school. Jack: Ok later.

Come on Danny hurry up. We're gonna be late for the bus again. I said getting ready for school (outfit 39) Hey you two, our mom yelled up, if you don't hurry you'll miss the bus again, it will probably be here any min. Yeah and we're heading out. Oh yay I can hardly wait for a long bus ride of stuffed kids with falling our limbs sticking out of the cram windows! Danny called over to me, rolling his eyes. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.

Hey how come I never see you on the bus, or coming off of it? Um.... Too cram on, and back door off? Why did you state that like a question? I didn't. Yes you did. No I didn't. Whatever. Hey toss me my stuff would ya? Yep no problem. I swung my backpack onto my back and tossed Danny his. Cool come on lets grab something to eat and go. Right behind you.

He started going downstairs, I faded through the floor behind his back grabbing a couple pieces of fruit, one for me, one for Jack, and flew back up quickly to our room and out the window. Farrah? Where did she go and why is my ghost sense going off? Farrah? I put the fruit into my bag and flew in the sky. He walked out the house, and looked around. Farrah where are you?! He looked up, and *sighed* I giggled waving down to him and zooming off.

No wonder, she must do this all the time. He went ghost chasing after me on the way to school. Gotcha, you little liar. How did you find me? Ghost sense. Ug! Well gee isn't this better? Good idea I wish you had told me. We flew along side of the bus high enough that we wouldn't get seen.

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