Meeting the Other Exhibits

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Nefer-ra placed a hand over her heart with one hand and held onto Keket gently with the other as Larry and Ahkmenrah came running around the corner. "Nef, you alright? We heard you scream." said Larry only to stop once he noticed Attila laying face first on the floor. "Attila, Attila, hey what happened?" asked Larry helping him into a sitting position. "Perhaps he fainted at the sight of Nefer-ra's little friend." said Ahkmenrah while Nefer-ra scowled at him and held Keket close to her protectively. "Come on, Attila, up we go." said Larry helping the Hun to his feet. Attila seemed to shake his head before looking Nefer-ra up and down. "Attila, this is our newest exhibit, Nefer-ra. She's Anhk's niece. Nef, this is Attila the Hun." said Larry introducing the two exhibits. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." said Nefer-ra bowing slightly with a kind smile and trying her best to hide her discomfort as Attila kept eyeing her up and down before he turned to Ahkmenrah and whispered something in a language Nefer-ra didn't quite catch. Apparently her uncle did and responded to Attila in the same language while seeming to glare daggers at him in the process. "Well, ah, Nefer-ra, if you're ready, the other exhibits have been pretty excited about meeting you. So, if you'll follow me, I'm sure they're all gathered around to meet you." said Larry with a kind smile and gesturing for Nefer-ra to follow him. "I.....suppose so." said Nefer-ra looking between her uncle and.....Attila was it? Wearily. "Hey, don't worry, you'll do great! Everyone's super nice. We're all like one big family in a way. You'll see. Who knows, maybe you and some of the other exhibits will hit it off right away." said Larry. "'Hit it off'?" asked Nefer-ra furrowing her brows while tilting her head and frowning at Larry. "He means perhaps you'll make some new friends, Nefer-ra. Preferably ones that aren't covered in scales or can kill you with a single bite." said Ahkmenrah who had muttered the last sentence. "Were you insulting Keket again during that last sentence?" asked Nefer-ra narrowing her eyes at her uncle. "I wouldn't dream of it." said Ahkmenrah rather sarcastically after staring at Nefer-ra for a minute who only squinted her eyes at him and huffed before following after Larry down the hall. Of course, she was cautious the entire time they walked and would gently pet Keket every so often to help calm her nerves. The further they walked, Nefer-ra could hear a strange sound that seemed to get louder and louder the closer they got. "What is that sound? If you don't mind me asking that is." said Nefer-ra walking up along side Larry while gently cradling Keket's head in one hand. "Oh! Yeah, right! Sorry, I probably should've warned you a head of time this place can get a bit crazy at night after everyone's woken up. Don't worry, you'll get used to it once you've become more comfortable being here." said Larry giving Nefer-ra a kind smile and gently patted her arm seeing as though Keket was on her shoulders. And let face it, Larry was NOT about to take a trip to the emergency room because a four thousand year old snake bit him. Wait, were four thousand year old snakes still venomous? Probably were considering how fast Ahkmenrah came came running out of his exhibit after encountering the snake for the first time. At least Larry was guessing that why the pharaoh came running as though his life depended on it....again. Nefer-ra looked at Larry for a brief moment before taking a deep breath a nodding her head. "Very well, Guardian of Brooklyn, Keket and I trust you're judgement." she said folding her hands in front of her. "Hey Dumb-dumb!" came a loud voice that sounded like it was just down the hall. Nefer-ra flinched at the sudden loudness and held onto Keket slightly tighter as she moved behind Larry. "What in the Underworld was that?' she asked seeing as though she saw no owner to the voice anywhere. "Hey, it's alright, nothing to e afraid of. It was just the Easter Island Head that's all." explained Larry. "Easter Island Head? What pray you is that?" asked Nefer-ra with a frown. "Uh...just a big giant stone head at the end of the hall over there. Probably saw you and is curious to meet you along with everyone else. We can meet him now...or later whichever you're more comfortable with." said Larry holding his hands up when he noticed Nefer-ra looked slightly uneasy about meeting a giant, talking stone head. Not that the night guard blamed her or anything. the night wasn't even over yet and already she and Ahkmenrah probably had a whirlwind of emotions going on in there heads. "I...will consider meeting this...Easter Island Head later then." said Nefer-ra who seemed to slowly relax just a little bit.  Larry nodded to her as a way of telling her the respected her decision before leading her to the side of the upper floor.  Nefer-ra stroked Keket's head gently as she looked down to see some many people and animals seeming to dance below her. One of them was a strange creature that was nothing but bones and was rather large. She made a mental note to stay away from....whatever that thing was for the time being until she could figure out whether or not it was a friend or foe. And could you really blame her for being cautious? Suddenly being awakened after four thousands years was a bit of a terrifying experience for anyone don't you think? "Alright! Alright, everybody settle down please!" called Larry raising his voice so everyone could hear him over the loud music. "What's going on there, Giagantor!?" called the voice of the little western cowboy, Jedediah. "Has the day finally come for us to meet our newest arrival, my league?" called the little Roman general standing next the Jedediah, Octavius. "Yes, Oct, you're correct, she is here, as you can see, our newest member of the museum has in fact finally arrived." said Larry taking a pause as to what he was saying to gesture to Nefer-ra standing right next to him.  "Well don't just leave us hanging, Lawrence! What's the young lady's name?" cried the former President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt.  "Getting to that Teddy! But before I tell you that, there's something I want you all to know before I say who she is so nobody goes crazy on her OK?" continued Larry looking over at Ahkmenrah as a silent way of asking him if it was alright to tell everyone. Ahkmenrah looked down at all his friends standing below him before looking over at Nefer-ra briefly then back at Larry and gave a small nod. "Alright, guys, the thing I wanted to tell you that I myself just found out along with Ahkmenrah here, is that Ahk has not one, but two older brothers. For some reason, Ahk's parents didn't bother to tell him about his second older brother...." Larry paused again to look over at Nefer-ra for clarification on how to say her father's name. "Rasankhka." said Nefer-ra simply. "Right...what she said. Anyway, Ahkmenrah here has a secret older brother that he never even knew existed. And this is that brother's daughter. So guys, please, be nice to her, don't bombard her with crazy questions and what not and now that I'm done rambling, everyone, meet Nefer-ra, Ahkmenrah's niece."   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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