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Nefer-ra blinked from the sudden brightness and had to refrain herself from shielding her eyes. Her skin was between light and medium tanned and she had deep brown eyes. After a minute or two, her sight adjusted and she saw two men in front of her. One was a man with bronze, sun kissed skin and dark hair. The other also had dark hair but his skin seemed rather pale her her and he was wearing strange clothes. Was he a guard perhaps? But Nefer-ra had other questions on her mind; where was she and who had awakened her after four thousand years? She was never meant to return to the world of the Living. Her father said he would make sure of it. Then why was she back? Nefer-ra looked around at her surroundings and heard someone clear their throat causing her to snap her head in the direction. "Um....hi. I'm Larry. Larry Daley-" began the strange looking guard. "Guardian of Brooklyn." added the bronze skinned man who was wrapped in bandages much like Nefer-ra was at the moment. "Right. So, ah, I know you must be wondering where you are and why your suddenly alive again. Welcome back by the way. Well, your a new Egyptian Exhibit along with Ahkmenrah here..." the strange guard who calls himself Larry paused and gestured to the other man standing next to him. "I'm an....exhibit?" asked Nefer-ra slowly trying out the new word. "Yeah. You're in the Museum of Natural History in New York. And as for being alive again, see that golden tablet hanging up on the wall behind you?" Nefer-ra turned her head around and sure enough, there was a golden tablet resting on the wall. "Yeah that, that's what's called the Tablet of Ahkmenrah. It brings all the exhibits in the museum to life at night." said Larry. "And might I say it is a pleasure to finally meet you, Nefer-ra. I've been waiting days to meet you." said Ahkmenrah with a kind smile. "You....know my name?" asked Nefer-ra in surprise. "Yeah. See, Dr. McPhee, that's the museum's curator, was kinda driving himself a little crazy trying to figure out your name. Thankfully your little clay charm thingy-" "Amulet." corrected Ahkmenrah. "Right, amulet. Had some writing on the back that said 'The Good Ra' on the back and you know, he was able to put two and two together. So, Ta-da! We know your name now." said Larry. Nefer-ra closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. "You.....you don't seem too happy about that." said Larry who had a look of concern across his face. "My name was erased from history on purpose. My father made sure I could not return to the world of the living in my body nor that I would ever be able to enter the Afterlife." said Nefer-ra missing Ahkmenrah paling slightly. "Your....your father did this to you? Killed you I mean?" asked Larry in shock. "Of course not! I killed myself if you really must know!" said Nefer-ra with an undignified huff. "What? Why?" asked Larry. "You certainly are fully of questions aren't you....Guardian of Brooklyn was it? If it so pleases you, I killed myself because my father asked me to. He wanted to ensure that his own brother who did many foul things in his life, would never enter the afterlife himself to be reborn. Therefore my father asked the greatest sacrifice of me. To end my own life and prevent my uncle from ever being reborn. And my father did it the only way he knew how, by erasing my name and image from the minds of the people of Egypt for years to come. I knew the thought of it sicken my father to the core, but I wasn't afraid. I told my father before I died it was a sacrifice I was willing to take to ensure my uncle could no longer torment others in death just as he had in life." said Nefer-ra. "Wow. Your uncle kinda sounds like someone I've met before. You probably don't know him or maybe you do. Not really sure considering we don't exactly know when you were alive but...ah...yeah. Your uncle kinda sounds like Ahk's older brother, Kamunrah. He's kind of a jerk and-" "Kamunrah? You know of my uncle then?" asked Nefer-ra cutting off Larry and furrowing her brows. "I-I'm sorry!?" stammered Larry in surprise. "My uncle is Kamunrah, son of Merenkahre Four-" "Fourth King of the Fourth Kings ruler of the land of his fathers." finished Larry as Nefer-ra gave him a funny look. "Oh gods, I think I need to lay back in my sarcophagus for a few hours. Or days. Whichever makes my head stop spinning first." said Ahkmenrah staggering over to his sarcophagus grabbing the side of his head. "Have I....said something wrong?" asked Nefer-ra with a frown. "No! No not at all!" said Larry quickly. "Not at all!? Larry, it hasn't been an full hour yet and I've just learned not only do I have an older brother I clearly had no idea about, but as it would seem, I'm also an uncle!" cried Ahkmenrah. "Uncle? Father only mentioned having one brother to me." said Nefer-ra whose frown deepened. "Oh even better." muttered Ahkmenrah looking like he was about to have a mental breakdown. "Ahk, Ahk, breathe and try to relax. We'll figure it out. Nefer-ra, what exactly is your father's name?" asked Larry. "Rasankhka. You certainly do ask quite a lot of questions, Guardian of Brooklyn." said Nefer-ra who finally gotten out of her makeshift coffin. "If you think Larry's asking a lot of questions now, you and I aren't leaving the exhibit for the rest of the night as I believe I am entitled to an explanation." said Ahkmenrah. "An explanation? I beg your pardon but I hadn't the faintest idea father had two brothers. Furthermore my father's past is a highly sensitive conversation for him therefore you shan't get anything further from me as he rarely spoke of such things so freely!" said Nefer-ra looking at Ahkmenrah as though he had slapped her across the face.          

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