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The next few days practically flew by. It seemed as though every single exhibit was excited about the new arrival. Though some had grim looks on their faces possibly from hearing about how young she was at her time of death. Ahkmenrah spend a good majority of his time in his tomb with his jackal guards making sure his tomb was spotless for the new arrival. He would NOT be accused of having an unkept tomb thank you very much! Though at one point Ahkmenrah was seen running for dear life out of his exhibit and clinging to Larry for dear life refusing to go back in for the rest of the night. The reason being he'd found a small papyrus basket that contained remains of a snake. A COBRA of all things mind you! When Larry took a look at a list of the mummy's belongings, he discovered the cobra's name is Keket and was the new mummy's pet back when she was alive. Ahkmenrah nearly fainted at the thought of his new roommate having a cobra of all things for a pet. Why couldn't she own a cat like most Egyptians!? Did she know cobras were one of the deadliest snakes in all of Egypt!? Furthermore, Ahkmenrah absolutely REFUSED to step foot back inside his own exhibit unless Larry put the cobra back in its basket and sealed it shut so it couldn't get out. Yes he was technically already dead but anyone in their right mind would steer clear of a cobra if they crossed paths with one! Larry was also constantly asked the same question by practically every exhibit in the museum; what was this new mummy's name? It was a question even Larry wasn't able to answer unfortunately.  

The rest of the museum didn't have to wait much longer for the new mummy to arrive because while Larry had gone home to rest up, the new mummy had arrived at the museum and was set up in a glass case next to Ahkmenrah's own sarcophagus. Though this mummy's sarcophagus had long since been abandoned who knows where considering this mummy was buried in a limestone sarcophagus. As you can imagine, Dr. McPhee found it safer just to keep the new mummy on display in a climate controlled glass case  instead of having everyone break their backs or worse trying to load an over five hundred pound coffin into the truck and into the museum itself. Well, that and McPhee threatened that if the stone coffin scratched his perfectly clean and waxed floors, he'd have the workers fired in a heartbeat. So the new mummy was laying in a clear glass case resting in a makeshift wooden coffin for her that was left open. McPhee was also delighted to finally figure out the mysterious mummy's name. Hidden in the layers of the mummy's bandages was a blue, clay amulet in the shape of the Eye of Ra. On the back of the amulet were hieroglyphics and with hose words alone, McPhee was able to determine the mummy's possible name from back when she was alive. 

"Nefer-ra?" asked Larry later on that night possibly an hour before sunset. "That's right Mr. Daley. The mummy has a clay amulet around her neck with hieroglyphics on the back the reads 'The Good Ra'. Not that you would be an expert on that sort of thing but back in ancient Egypt a female whose name meant 'The Good Ra' was called Nefer-ra.(yes that's a real fact I looked up the meaning of the name!) Quite simple really. Honestly if it hadn't been for that amulet I'd be driving myself half mad trying to figure out her name!" snipped McPhee. "Yeah, yeah no. I just think its great we finally have a name for our friend. Kinda hard to formally welcome her into the family if you don't know her name." said Larry. "" asked McPhee looking at Larry as though he'd lost it. "Yeah, you know, the museum. All the exhibits. They're like one big family." said Larry. "A bunch of wax figures, statues, artwork, and stuffed big family?" questioned McPhee. If he didn't think Larry was crazy before, he certainly thought it now. You know what? Nevermind. McPhee had other things to deal with other than Larry's nonsense talk about how thigs that weren't even alive considered each other family. "Well now, if you'll excuse me, Mr. Daley. I have an important meeting in the morning regarding our new mummy." With that said, McPhee turned his heel and briskly left the museum. Larry then took the opportunity to head to the Egyptian Exhibit and unlock the glass case. 

That night, the Tablet glowed once again bringing the museum's inhabitants to life. And for the first time in over four thousand years, Nefer-ra drew a breath. She tried to sit up but ended up hitting her head on something. Nefer-ra reached her hands out and tried to push whatever was in her way but found that it wouldn't budge. Whatever it was. It wasn't the lid to her sarcophagus that was for certain. And yes, Nefer-ra was well aware that she had died. It was a day she would not so easily forget. She couldn't see anything but she could very faintly hear voices around her. "Hey, hey can you hear me? If you can, think you can sit up?" asked one voice and Nefer-ra could feel her brows crease as she slowly did as she was told. "Here, allow me help you with those." came a second voice that sounded like it had a bit of an accent to it as she felt a tugging sensation near the back of her head. 

It was close to sundown and Larry was awaiting the new mummy to wake up along with Ahkmenrah. He didn't have to wait very long as the Tablet began to glow and the lid of Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus slid open before Ahkmenrah quickly unwrapped his head and Larry couldn't help but bite back his laughter. "Are you that excited to meet your new roommate, Ahk?" asked Larry leaning on one of the pillars inside the Pharaoh's exhibit. Ahkmenrah looked up at Larry with a slightly sheepish smile. "I suppose I couldn't contain my excitement." he admitted. Larry shook his head with a smile before they both heard the lock for the new exhibit start to move. Larry and Ahkmenrah both looked over to see Nefer-ra as she was now know by  to Larry according to McPhee. Larry grabbed a key off of his belt and quickly made his way over to the casing and unlocked it as well as removing the glass. "Hey, hey can you hear me? If you can, think you can sit up?" asked Larry as Ahkmenrah climbed out of his own sarcophagus. Nefer-ra looked like she hesitated for a few seconds before slowly sitting up. "Here, allow me to help you with those." said Ahkmenrah stepping behind the female and undoing the bandages around her head allowing a curtain of black hair to fall down her back from under the bandages.     


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