Part of why im cool w her redemptiom. She DOES suffer (heavy) consequences

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I dont think mirable not getting a gift rlly needs an explanation (especially as a disability allegory) but i do find the idea that gifts are given based on whats needed at that time interesting. Not in the edgy practicality way but emotionally. Like casita saw where almas perfectionism was going and realised she needed to see the gift was her family- not their powers. So it gave her a grandaughter who was nothing but kind and happy and full of love- but who didnt get one

And alma failed that test. And she payed for it. Horribly. She treated mirabel terribly and as a result she lost their miracle, she lost their house, and she lost 2 family members. Everything she was afraid of. She suffered reliving her trauma because she couldnt look past her family as being their gifts. Her fear was so strong it became a self fulfilling prophesy

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