Woof! Pt 1

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Nico looked confused just as Jason was, who was this dog? how did it get in? But most importantly wheres Percy?

The dog was black furred with blueish green eyes every time they call, Percy! the dog would spin in circles wagging its tail.

"Sooo.." Nico trailed off, "What are we gonna name it?" Jason furrowed his eyebrows. "Uhmmm.." He trailed off.

Jason stared at the dog weirdly, "Its so weird, every time we call out Percy it spins around in circles." "Could you perhaps think the dog is Percy?" Nico asked.

Jason's eyes widen, "No way! its impossible!" Jason said in disbelief. Nico rolled his eyes, "It's not unless he pissed off Zeus again"

Jason stifled a laugh, "Perhaps it is him ow!" Jason yelped, the dog just scratched his bare leg.


Nico cocked his head, "I don't get it!" he said in frustration. "I don't either" Jason said, rubbing where the dog had scratched him.

Nico held a finger up, thinking of an idea, "We can try blue food! Percy loves all that blue stuff"

Jason smiled, "Yeah- ow!" Jason whined "Stop scratching me!"

woof woof!

He sighed, "Doesn't Percy keep a stock of blue food in his drawers?"

Nico scratched his head. "I dunno, he always hides his food" He walked over the side drawers and opens it.

"Aha!" He said in victory, raising up the packaged blue food.

The dog who is assumed is Percy runs over, licking and scratching the plastic bag trying to open it.

Nico yelped, trying not to step on the dogs paws, "Alright, alright!" he said, opening the plastic bag.

He held out a blue tortilla chip, "Down boy, down!" He demanded

Jason sighed, "Neeks, just give him the chip!"

He glared at Jason, "I know what im doing! don't interrupt!" he hissed.

"Sit boy, sit I said!"

The dog sat down barking.

"haha! see? Im better at dog training than y-"

The dog snatched the chip out of Nico's hand, biting his finger in the process

"Ow!" Nico howled in pain, sucking his finger.

Jason laughed, "Definitely Percy" he watched the dog gobble up the chip, running back the Nico expecting for more.

"No more!" Nico yelled, shoving the bag back in the drawer.

The dog, who's name is now Percy whined and lowers his head.

"Augh! Percy don't give me those eyes!"

Jason laughed and knelt down, scratching behind Percys ear.

"Sooo how are we going turn him back?" Jason asked

"You know Zeus, it'll probably last like 2 days" Nico said

Percy nudged his head into Jasons palm

"Might as well tell the campers too" Jason suggested

Nico turned to him, "Are you insane?! Percy has a class in 3 hours!"

Jason shrugged, "So? Percy can missed 2 days right?"

Percy growled and bit Jasons finger.

"Ow Perce!"

Percy turned his head away, walking into the kitchen.

"Well-" Nico started

scratching was heard from the kitchen

"Percy! no scratching wooden doors!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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