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"James, will you calm down" I said through the phone as Lynsey and I sat in the living room attempting to watch TV
"No Liam, please. Something is going on with Ri and she won't talk to me about it" He worried
"James, I don't need to remind you what she went through not even two weeks ago, she's not going to be the most chipper" I said
"She's just working through some things. She'll be back dancing before you know it" I said 

Honestly, I don't know if she will be but James needed some ounce of hope before he went insane
"Can you please check on her" He asked once more and I nodded
"Alright" I said giving in
I know Riley like the back of my hand and I know she is on a downward spiral, I also know that Riley isn't about to let anyone help her. 
Now that is not me saying I won't try, or I won't remind her we are here. But I know for a fact she'd rather struggle alone then involve someone else

After saying my goodbye to Lyns, I walked into The Academy. If I know Riley well, I know exactly where she would be
I walked through the corridors until I came to her ballet studio and of course there she was. Dancing...

She's attempting to reach out to mum
That much was clear
Ballet was always their secret language. Neither Dad, Emily or I ever understood the fascination but seeing Riley dance right now. I can see the emotion she is putting behind it
She's at breaking point

"Riles" I said making her turn to look at me before she broke and came charging at me
"It's okay, I've got you" I whispered holding her head close
"I've got you" I repeated as she cried into my chest 
She was losing herself and I can't blame her 


Riley and I were sat on one of the benches in the studio, sort of sitting in silence for the first while but soon Riley spoke
"I don't know how you can even look at me" She whispered making me look at her confused
"What do you mean kiddo? you're my little sister" I said making her sigh looking down
"I damaged goods Liam, I'm surprised you are still checking in, I'm surprised James has stuck around. I'm surprised I'm still here" She said making me take her hands into mine swiftly

"Riley, I know what he did was some messed up shit and I will make it my life mission to kill the prick" I said
"But I don't give a fuck about it when it comes to you. It doesn't change a damn thing" I continued making her look at me 
"You're my baby sister Riles, you always bloody will be whether your that annoying 10 year old or a middled aged woman with a handful of children" I said making her chuckle

"I'll be here, no matter what okay?" I asked opening my arms, she looked at me and smiled slightly before I pulled her in for another hug
"And I don't think James is going anywhere either" I laughed
"you've got yourself a soulmate there" I said shaking her a little bit 

"I miss her" She said looking out into the studio
"I do too" I said
"I bet she would be so proud of you though Riley, your sticking to your dream" I said and she smiled slightly
"Do you think she would have kept her promise?" Riley asked looking at me
"about being at your performances?" I asked and she nodded

"Oh hell yeah Riley, Mum loved watching you dance. You would have to restrain her in order to stop her getting here" I said before noticing Riley fiddling with the necklace. The same one that holds the note she wrote the night before Mum passed

"She's still here though Riles, she's keeping her promise. She's always here when you dance" I smiled making her make her smile
"She asked me to dance for the both of us in her letter" Riley said making my raise a brow to her
"Yeah?" I asked and she nodded
"I'm going to go so hard on this showcase. I'm going to do it all for her" She said as I threw my arm over her shoulder
"I can't wait to see it" I smiled

"Thankyou Liam" She smiled looking up at me, I kissed the top of her head before hugging her again
"I love you Kiddo" I answered
"I love you too" She finished making me smile

She's still on her path but she's found her distraction..
Careful World. Riley is making her comeback and nobody is ready for it

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