
"God it feels good to be back!" Michelle sung as we walked into our new group room. It was a lot bigger then the old one
"Helloooo" Mr Anderson said walking in
"We have two points to cover today and that is it alright?" Mr Anderson said grabbing all of our attention 
"So in your first year, you got to explore how to run a show" He started
"Your second year you explored battles and how important some friendly competition is" He continued
"And now, you get to explore your alternatives" He said making all of the gang look at me
What can I say, I know my stuff

"Majority of you took Choreography or Acting, which is great" He chuckled
"But Riley and James you are sadly the odd ones out" He said making me look at James with a smile
"James, you'll be working with the Music department across the road" Mr Anderson said making me smile
"Isn't that where Liam works?" James asked looking at me, I smiled and nodded
I guess James and Liam will be spending some time together

"And Riley, you'll be working with one of the First years, giving them one to ones and teaching them anything they'd like to know, I have a good idea on who it should be" He said making me nod in his direction

"And the second point" He said turning to the rest of us
"The first years have requested you guys to perform for them this afternoon" He chuckled
"Usually it's the fourth years that do it but even they have passed the torch to you" He said making us all look amongst ourselves
"You can do an old number, they probably won't have seen it" He chuckled
"Yeah but what one" James asked and Mr Anderson shrugged
"That is up to you" He said 


"Little lady, are you sure you still have the settings saved on your laptop? We haven't done this number since the beginning of Year 1" Hunter said coming over to me, I gave him a look making him roll his eyes
With one click, the settings were loading and going on. Hunter looked back at me poking his tongue out while I stood there with a pleased smirk on my lips

Thinking back to this number makes me think about our Showcase, that was the night James and I had our first kiss. God how I wish he had been my first kiss
"What are you thinking about" James asked coming up behind me wrapping his arms around me waist and placing her head on my shoulder
"You actually" I said making him chuckle as he kissed me cheek
"Oh yeah?" He asked and I nodded 
"The showcase was the night you first kissed me" I said making him smile
"I should have done it a lot sooner" He said winking at me as he pulled me closer

It's so crazy how fast time has flown, shortly it'll be two years with James, one year with out mum. Time is going by too fast
Before we know it we'll be out of here and then what do we have?
Will James and I make it without this place?
Will I still have the gang?

"Show timeeee!" West sung seeing the First years walking in
I instantly pulled Piper out of the crowd, she was hanging around with a small blonde. It reminds me a lot of Michelle and I in our first year
We all smiled at them before the lights dimmed and we took our spots on stage

God, there is something about that number that really kicks off of us into high gear. Through out the piece we're smiling at each other with passing glances
"That was brilliant" Eldon said sounding slightly british
"I can't believe we pulled that off" Hunter said making us all chuckle

Mr Anderson came back to talk to us before asking if we fancied answering some questions from the newbies. Of course we said yes
"Did any of you think you took too many classes?" The blonde with Piper asked, everyone instantly looked at me making me roll my eyes
"Take it away Ri" James chuckled
"I took every class except Acro" I confessed and they all raised there brows
"it's a lot to take on but I'm pretty sure if it got too much for you then you could speak to Mr Anderson and he would help you" I said looking towards him as he nodded

"What was your first year like?" Oscar asked making us all look at each other people for smiling
"It was a mixture of torture and pure bliss" James smiled placing an arm around my waist
"It was quite the equal balance if we're honest. Like we had bad days and we had good" Michelle said 
"Overall, it was worth the struggle" Eldon said smiling at Michelle

I'm biased but I think they were too quick to call it quits you know

"What happens in second year?" Another boy asked making all of us laugh
"That battles" I smiled
"God they seem like a life time ago" Eldon said making us all nod
"I remember I managed to beat James with his own girlfriend" Hunter said nudging James forward
"Hey his own girlfriend beat him like what 4 times?" West asked 
"Riley was unbeatable. Nobody stood a bloody chance" James teased and I rolled my eyes

"Do you have any advice for us?" A girl asked and I smiled before we all nodded
"Don't even worry about it" James said making Piper and I roll our eyes
"Relax" West said
"Make the most of your free time" Michelle said holding my hand
"Don't walk into your dorm room without knocking if you have a roommate" Eldon said making us all laugh
"Drink plenty" Hunter said before earning a look from Mr Anderson

"i was on about water" He said holding his hands up in surrender
"Have fun" I said smiling at Piper 
These First years are going to smash it. I just know it already

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