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"What do you want Nigel" I growled. James was answering his phone which is not like him at all
"you're brother was easily taken away. I wonder how long it'll take before he starts to feel guilty her fell for my phone call" He sniggered making me narrow my eyes at him
"What do you want" I repeated still trying to call James
"To finish what I started" He smirked stepping forward but with every step he took forward I took two back 

But I knew sooner or later it wasn't going to work
Why wasn't James answering. I can't call anyone else, he is the only one I have on speed dial
Everyone else I would have to look at my phone and that would alert him
I'm screwed 

"you see, after our second attempt. Your little boyfriend managed to get my ass arrested but after some forged evidence came to light, I was deemed a free man" He smirked
"A free man, not for fucking long" I growled giving up calling James, I put my phone to record in the hope it would at least catch something 

"Oh yeah? Who's going to save you now Riley? Your brother is gone, James is busy with the band, the gang are out at the park. Your all alone" He chuckled
"just how I like it" He said continuing to step forward
"How do you know where they all are?" I asked 
"Do you not think that I've had my eye on you all year Riley?" He smirked
"you got me kicked out of the academy, you ruined everything I had built for myself" He said 
"Now your going to pay" He said reaching out to grip a hold of my arm to stop me from moving 

"I've watched you become very close with the little sister of James', maybe I should pick things up with her instead" He said raising his brow while I tried to get out of his grip
"Don't you dare fucking touch her" I spat making him chuckle
"then play nice Riley or my next stop is her dorm room" He said making his eyes darken even more. 
At this point I knew, I had no way out.. 
Whatever was going to happen. Was going to happen 



"that practice was Ace!" Theo cheered as we finished, it's been maybe 3 hours since we started and I'm so glad to be done. I love the music and all but man it can give you headache at times
"Liam! What are you doing here?" I chuckled seeing him coming down the corridor
"Someone called me to say someone got their head stuck but when I got here nobody had a freaking clue" He said making me laugh
"what the" I asked and he nodded
"And to think I left Riley for this nonsense" he said making me chuckle
"I'm sure she won't mind, it's Riley. She's a tough egg to crack, what could go wrong?" I asked making Liam nod

"I guess your right, give her my love when you see her tonight?" He asked and I nodded
"For sure" I said before I continued to walk down the corridor
"Jamesss! Can we borrow you for one song?" One of the girls from Luke's class asked, I sighed nodding
It's not like I wanted to get out of here or anything 
"What do you need" I asked heading into the booth with them only to find John in there too

"Are we hostigess?" John asked making me burst out laughing
"you know, I think we might be" I said looking over at the girls who were talking before joining us 
"Do you have plans this evening?" John asked while the girls started to sort through some papers
"I'll probably go hang out with Ri in her dorm before Group practice tomorrow" I said and he nodded

"How long have you guys been together now?" John asked with a smile
"Just over two years" I said making him smile
"That's mental man" He said and I nodded
"Oh trust me, if I told you have the crap we've been through, you'd look at me like I was a man on mars" I said
"Surely you guys haven't been through anything too bad?" He offered and I chuckled
"I just have one word for you" I said

"Nigel" I finished making him look at me confused
"Nigel?" He asked and I nodded
"He is the most vile scum to walk this planet. I'm just fucking glad he's locked up and just a moment of the past" I said making John shoot me a sympathetic smile
"I'm glad too and I don't even know the story" He chuckled making me join in

I'm fucking glad Nigel is gone. So fucking glad..

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