Chapter 5

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Jake sighs in relief as he felt the warm water pouring down on his back. Sometimes he couldn't believe that he had managed to escape a life of poverty and turn it all upside down. He was happy with his life more then ever. Humming sweet laluby one of his b-side songs on his first ever album he had produced. As he showered he frowned as he heard soft clicking of a camera.

Getting curious Jake turned off the shower hearing rushed footsteps as he got out of the shower hurrying down to the living room only to see that there was no one there. Which freaked him out as he had noticed the window was open. He walked towards the window with towel wrapped around his waist, looking out only to be disappointed with nothing.

"I was sure that I had closed the window before going in the shower didn't I? Then how come I heard footsteps of someone else in here? Strange." Jake says his thoughts out loud wish for whoever it was that had been in his holtel room to just leave him be.

Sighing Jake closed his wind once again not noticing the shadow lurking outside. Getting ready for bed he put on his boxers then lays himself in his comfy bed. Finally being able to get some sleep after a long week of nor getting any because of his tiring work. Sleeping peacefully unaware of a man standing next to his bed just watching him.

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