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I'm lost.
I try to guide myself.
try to hold my hand, encourage my steps
but I remain lost.
People call out to me but their voices
are distorted. I'm shifting.
I'm static.
I think I care.
I hope I care.
I get upset when I don't care.
I can't look back to the beginning.
If I could, I think I'd find that
I've been lost for too long.
Nobody is looking. I've been missing for years.
It goes in one ear and out the other and
it's mindless, like tradition, sometimes.
I'm surrounded, trying to figure out where I am.
Trying to hear my way around.
But I'm slipping.
I'm always slipping
and I can't feel the ground anymore.
I float up and away and look down at myself.
I look so confused.
Where am I going?
I can't see where I'm going.

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