A toast

13 1 0

I'm choosing to exist.
It's not as hard as I made it out to be.
It's definitely not as exhausting as I think it is.
But I'm choosing my reasons.

I'm thinking of holding hands and full moons.
Being under water and cold pillows.
Strawberry cake, fresh white peaches.
being alone and being connected.
Having a favorite color and being in love (someday).
Cleaning and making breakfast and writing and dancing and new music.
I'm choosing that life is worth living.
Existing deserves patience.
I can make it work.
I'm going to exist.
It will be hard and exhausting and painful
It will be beautiful and peaceful and worth it.

Me 2 days after therapy lol

love overflowing Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang