
Depuis le début

A few minutes later you arrived at the living room once again with the tea you promised and your friend Sanemi. He stared at both of you and gulped, it wasn't really his first time delivering swords, no, it was that you guys rather have an intimidating aura- Sanemi was understandable but you still looked rather scary despite having the facial expression of friendliness

"Were back! Sorry if it took long but here's the tea." He rapidly started to sweat and reassured you profusely. You giggled and introduced both of them to each other. "Tazuna-san this is Sanemi Shinazugawa and Sanemi this is Kamanori Tazuna" you introduced in a happy tone and a little bit rushed for some reason. 'i feel fake with all this jolly voice tone what the fuck'

"U-uh you don't have to call me by my last name (L/N)-san you can just call me Kamanori.." you stared at him doe eyed and nodded eagerly. "Whatever.." Sanemi mumbled with crossed arms and looked away, you sweatdropped at his rude behaviour and decided to ignore him. "So uhm Kamanori can you tell us about the swords?" The boy looked down and clenched his hands that were on his thighs. He turned red under the mask and sweats. "I don..t know.. anything about the swords...my dad makes them...so i don't know.. I'm sorry.." he apologized, you stared and patted his head. "Oh! Sorry, hoped that didn't hurt'ya! So why don't we see the swords instead?" You asked, he silently nodded once again. You felt a shift next to you to find Sanemi shuffling closer to you. You ignored him and reached out for the wooden box, you pulled closer then opened it and saw hilts from three swords and one of them is yours obviously. You picked up your sword and Sanemi did as well. You stared at your sword in fascination and excitement. 'i can carry a katana around the fuck this is so cool'.

The design for the handle was the same design as Tanjiro's and so is the color. The handguard is a fancy black and gold that you really like and you can't stop yourself from staring at it

The sheath was also black with waves made with gold with small red flowers to make it more pretty, like seriously how are they this good?

You looked up and flinched to see everyone staring at you including Satō, you were even more shocked wondering when did she even got here. You sighed already knowing what they wanted. You gripped the handle with your dominant hand and the other one gripped the sheath, you took a deep breath and slowly pulled the the katana out of it's wooden container. You looked at the blade waiting for it to change color also adjusting the position so it won't hot anyone and they can also see it properly. A few seconds past before the blade started changing, all of you stared at it at anticipation. The blade turned to red and halfway through the blade it turned into an orange hue. You all stared wide-eyed at the view in front of you. "R-red and orange?" A voice spoke out, you turned your head to see Kamanori staring at your sword, at first you were scared since you thought he was gonna be mad before he jumped in joy and started clapping happily. You stared at him not really wondering why he's like that since you already know why. "A multi-colored sword!" The lad exclaimed, all of you remained quiet as you patiently waited for him to continue his rant. "Me or my dad have never seen one before! That's so fascinating..! There must be something behind this.. what is your secret (Y/N)-san? Are you a prophet or something?" Thousands of questions hit like a tsunami as the boy continued to interrogate. You sweatdropped not really knowing what to do to calm the boy, a voice smoothly cut through the air you looked towards the source and found out it was Sanemi. You sweat even more forgetting that the boy was even in the room. "Uh yes Sanemi??.." he grumbled and readied his sword. You inwardly snickered at his cow-skin-lookin-scabbard. He slowly raised his sword until nothing was inside the sheathe. They all stared in silence as they waited once again, the dull grey color of the  blades started to fade to a green color, you beamed and started congratulating your friend "CONGRATULATIONS ASSHOLE!!" he irked and yelled back- "STOP BEING SO LOUD WILL YOU?!" As the two of you continued to bicker the others stood still at the sidelines..


~Bonus Meme~

~Bonus Meme~

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