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*Hall Way Outside Draco's Room*


"Mum what is the meaning of all this?" I asked her

"After hearing how she treats your friends and your sister I will not be having her live in this house" my mum told me

"But what about father?" I asked

"He will agree with me rather he likes it or not" she said with a stern voice

"Mum if she leaves I will never get alone time. Im still getting over Pansy's death. Im not in the right state to take care of him full time" I told her

"Your sister said she will take care of him until you are well enough" She said and walked into my room to help

I pulled my sister out of the room and took her to her's to have a little chat.

*Y/N's ROOM*


"Ok first off you need to stop yelling at me and second there is nothing wrong with me taking care of my nephew so his father can heal from his tragic loss" I told me idiot brother

"Sis I love you but did you forget you are pregnant and can give birth anyway now" He said while looking at me like Im crazy

"Last I checked I have 3 weeks so Im pretty sure I will be fine" I responded

"Ok but what happens if you give birth early Y/N" Draco said with worried eyes 

"Draco Im fine you need to relax" I tried to calm him down

"No I won't relax. I lost the love of my life and now my son is losing his mother." Draco rambled on

"Draco Pansy wouldn't want you to hurt for 8 years. She would have wanted you to live and find new love. She would have wanted you to start a family like what you were doing but just not with Greenass I mean Greengrass" I told him

"I don't understand how you moved on so fast" Draco said confused

"Fast? The way I remember it, it wasn't fast at all." I said with a laugh

"Yeah man it wasn't fast" Mattheo said while walking in

"What do you mean?" Draco asked

"The nights were filled with her waking up in either tears or screams. She stopped talking for like 5 months. The only people she talked too was Theodore and myself. She wouldn't eat. She was broken. It took her a year to adjust to life without her best friend. Theodore took her too Pansy and Lorenzo's graves everyday. Y/N spent hours telling them things that happened here. When she finally got adjusted she was able to settle down and work on our relationship. Now we are happily married and about to have twins. Also she isn't always happy. She has her days where she doesn't want to get out of bed because she misses them but she does anyways because she knows that they wouldn't want her to sulk around the manor. Pansy wouldn't want you to be sad like how you have been for the past 8 years. You spend almost all your time in the garden and don't get me wrong its nice you plant but she would want you to be with your son." Mattheo told him

"You don't get how I feel" Draco said

"Yeah I do. I was friends with her before you even thought of her as a friend. I know that at times you feel sad and other times empty. Then at the smallest of moments you don't know what you feel. It's called grief Draco. I still feel it but the difference between you and me is that I didn't let it take over my life. Pansy died for Mattheo so I chose to live for Pansy. Live like no tomorrow. You are acting like everything and everyone needs to be on pause because she died. Pansy loved you so much and she wouldn't want you to live like this. She would have wanted you to do what Im doing" I told him

"If she loved me then why did she leave me huh? If she was so in love with me why did she choose to die for Mattheo? Why would she let you live your happily ever after over her owns?" Draco asked me so many questions and I already had the answer because Pansy and I agreed on this when we decided to be best friends

"Because we promised each other we would" I told him

"What?" Draco and Mattheo said at the same time

"Let me explain" I said


Start Of First Year

"Hi Im Y/N Malfoy" Y/N said to the girl sitting next to her

"Hi Im Pansy Parkinson" she told her

"Want to be friends?" Y/N asked

"Sure" Pansy replied

Start Of Second Year

"Lets make a promise?" Pansy asked

"Ok" Y/N said

"When We Get Older And We Find Our Soulmates If They Are In Danger We Must Save Them Even IF It Means We Die For Them" Pansy said

"So like if you fell in love with someone and they were like about to get hit with the killing curse I would jump in front of them so you could have your happily ever after and you would do the same for me?" Y/n asked

"Yes" Pansy agreed

"Ok I can promise that" Y/N told her

"Great" Pansy smiled



"Wait so if I was about to die you are saying you would have died for me so she could be happy?" Draco asked

"Yeah" I said

"Thats dumb how could you two promise something like that" Mattheo said

"I would have done anything for her she was like my sister" I told them and walked out of the room

I walked to the front of the house and saw they were still packing the car. I went to find my mum but with no luck she wasn't home. I went to the kitchen and saw the one person I didn't want to see again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Last I checked this is still my son's house" Astoria replied while drinking tea

"Yeah a house you are not welcomed in" I responded

"If I was welcomed we wouldn't be in this situation" Astoria slammed the cup on the table

"You were never going to be welcomed in this house but your son will be" I told her and laughed while getting a muffin from the counter

"I only have one thing to ask from you" She said as she put the cup in the sink

"What?" I asked

"After I die take care of my son. Make sure he doesn't miss me. I don't deserve to be missed. I took the place of Pansy. Someone Draco holds dear to his heart. I could never and will never replace her. So just take care of my son. Its all I ask" She said then quickly left the room

I didn't know what to say. Never in a million years would I have thought Astoria Greengrass would ask me, Y/N Malfoy something like that. I was stunned.

I heard low yelling and could see people quacking running around the room. I didn't know what happened but I felt something was off. Then I heard Mattheo and that's what made me snap out of it.

"Its going to be alright" Mattheo kept telling me

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"Baby your water broke" Mattheo said and that's when I felt it

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