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After what happened in the hallway we went and ate food quickly. We gathered our things and went to our room to have more detailed chat. Mattheo left after he heard Pansy say Death Eater. I wish he stayed cause I knew he was one. I mean he is the son of he who must not be named so it was kinda obvious.

*In Y/N and Pansy's Dorm*

"The boys can't be death eaters" I said while looking out the window

"Well they are and they didn't tell us Y/N" Pansy mini yelled at me

"Ok but how did u find out" I asked while raising an eyebrow

"Ummm if I say you have to promise not to be mad or grossed out" Pansy told me with a smile on her face

"Yeah I won't judge you're my bestie" I looked at her with a huge smile knowing where this is going

"So ummm...Draco and I were ummm...getting in the mood but when I tried to take off his skirt he stopped and got really mad and went to take a shower. When he came back into the room he put comfy clothes on and went to bed while I was just sitting on the bed confused as fuck." Pansy whispered to make sure only we could hear

"Sooooo" I put the biggest cheeky smile on

"I heard he was snoring so I decided to lift his sleeve and I saw the mark then he woke up and started yelling at me. He let spill that all the guys got their marks over the summer. I was upset he lied and he noticed so he started saying sorry over and over but I just walked out and sat in the hall then u found me now we are here." Pansy's smile turned into a frown after she said those words

I felt kinda bad for Pansy. She loves my brother so much and I know he loves her. I need to go talk to the guys and get this straighten out.

"Im gonna go talk to the boys. Take a warm shower and use my face wash so your eyes don't get puffy." I hugged her and left the room

I went to the common room but they weren't there so I went to the great hall to see if they were having a late dinner and they were. I walked up to them and sat down. They looked worried and they should be. Im gonna rip these boys to shreds.

"Hello Brother, Theo, Blaise, Goyle, Crabbe, Matty" I looked at them with a glare

"Hey" They said in unison

"So I heard that you six are FUCKING DEATH EATERS" I whisper yelled at them

They did say anything. All they did was look down at their plates. Mattheo looked at me and wanted to speak but ended up not.

I rolled my eyes and started walking out but before I fully left I told Draco;

"You know Pansy is really upset you didn't tell her Dray. So am I but from past experiences I guess my feelings and opinions don't matter to you." I walked out and heard him say 'fuck'

Draco POV

"Fuck" I yelled

"We should have told them" Theo let out

"It wouldn't have made a fucking difference they both still would have been mad at us" Blaise joined in

"Look they found out. Who cares? That just means we need to protect them more from here on out" Mattheo looked at us with a serious face after saying that. 

I hate that he has feelings for my sis. He better not try anything or Im gonna lose it.

"Fine but if they get hurt Im blaming you Draco" Theo looked at me and frowned then walked off 

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