"Wait I didn't know that" Blaise interrupted

"Didn't it get around the whole school" Theodore asked

"Yeah it was something like she would be dead by 50" Thomas laughed

"Damn" Mattheo laughed

"You kids are so messed up" My mum said and left the room

"I wonder what she is doing right now" I asked

"She better stay away from my kids. I swear if she wakes them up again and says something like oh they woke up and I was just checking on them I will rip her head off" Maria said

"Calm down tiger mum" Connor said which made all of us laugh



I spent most of my time in the garden. I didn't really talk to anyone. Losing Pansy was the worst thing to happen to me. Im happy for my son I just wish it was with her and not Astoria. My father wanted this marriage for money. He was going to marry off Y/N but I offered me instead. It wasn't a hard choice. With Pansy being gone I was never going to love anyone the same.

I heard steps coming towards me and I looked up to see my sister looking at me with worried eyes. Thats the only way she has looked at me since the war.

"Hey sis" I said

"Draco I know you miss her but would you please go take care of your son" She told me

"What do you mean? Astoria said she would watch him today" I answered

"She just left with her sister" Y/N said with an angry look

"Whats with the look? I will go take care of him" I told her

"She is an unfit mother Draco. She doesn't deserve to have the Malfoy name or live in our Manor." She yelled

"I know sis but I promised father" I frowned

"Father isn't here so either get rid of her or I will have Mattheo do it and you and I both know he has been waiting since she got pregnant" Y/N yelled again

"Ok Ok" I said while walking towards the Manor

*Draco's Room*


Scorpius looked exactly like me. I do hope his hair gets darker as he ages.

It took at least 20 minutes to get him to sleep

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It took at least 20 minutes to get him to sleep. He doesn't like to sleep which is weird cause shouldn't babies love sleeping. I heard the door open and really wished it wasn't Astoria.

"Astoria sent me here to gather her stuff" Daphne Greengrass told me

"Hey Daphne go ahead but may I ask why" I asked her

"She doesn't like living here so she is sending divorce papers and moving back home" She answered

"She's what? Scorpius isn't ready to be without his mother" I said as I put Scorpius down

"She is letting you have full custody of Scorpius the only thing she wants is to take him to the train to Hogwarts when he turns 11" She told me

"Does she want anything else?" I asked

"Christmas visits every year or until Scorpius doesn't want them anymore" Daphne said

"Thats it. She doesn't want to be apart of his life any more than a meaningless Christmas visit?" I yelled

"She thinks it is best. She won't live long because of our curse so having little to no contact is a way to save him pain of losing his mum" She said with a numb tone

"You cant possibly believe that" I looked at her

"If Scorpius and my sister don't have contact then he won't grow a bond with his mother who is dying" She responded

"Daphne that is wrong she should be spending all the time with him" I said angry

"Its her choice besides its not like she has been welcomed here with open arms" She told me

"Yeah because she is a bitch" Y/N said while walking in

"Sis" I said while looking at her

"Draco this is what's best" Y/N said

"Why would you say that? You are the one who always said a mother needs to stay in their child's life no matter the past with the father." I told her


"Then who's is it?" I asked

"Mine" Our mum answered

"Mother?" I said surprised

"Y/N go get Maria to help Miss Greengrass pack her sisters things please" She told my sister

"Yes mum" Y/N said and walked out only for a few moments to then walk back in with Maria

They started packing Astoria's things and walking them outside. My mum pulled me out to the hallway to talk.

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