Glamrock Freddy★

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A new pizzaplex opened up nearby and my friends wanted to take me there to cheer me up after a pretty bad break up, it seemed like a childish place but hey, what's the worse that could happen

There were bright lights everywhere as I stood semi near the main stage, waiting for the main event as I went on my phone, but soon a loud voice came over the intercom to introduce the characters, I quickly put my phone away and looked up at the stage, they all rose from the ground and quickly went to their spots, the main one, freddy, stayed in the front middle of the stage, dancing as music played, with all the commotion I almost didn't realize that he was looking directly at me, but once I did, he gave me a huge grin, which made me feel all warm inside, though he quickly moved his attention to the rest of the crowd

When I looked over to tell my friends what just happened, they weren't there, I quickly panicked as I looked around, nothing, so I squeezed through the crowd to look around the pizzaplex, maybe they just went to the washroom and I couldn't hear them say it? Nope, checked every washroom, nothing, I may or may not have peeked into the private character rooms, nothing, I searched for what felt like hours, I sadly looked across the plex to the main stage, where everyone slowly started to sprinkle away from the stage, I sighed as I leaned against a wall and slid down it, hugging my knees

I don't know for how long I was sitting there, but apparently long enough for the pizzaplex to close

A woman's voice came over the intercoms "The pizzaplex is now closing!" I hurried to get up and ran to what I thought was the doors, but before I got there they slammed shut, I looked at them, and fell to my knees, crying, I was now stuck in here until tomorrow morning, Jesus today really sucks

My crying session was interrupted by a big hand resting in my shoulder

"Hey...I saw you during the show, are you okay superstar?"

I whipped my tears and looked at who was comforting me, it was freddy, I immediately fell back, keeping my hands on the ground for support

"Oh! I'm sorry if I scared you! You seemed like you were crying!"

He bends down, placing a hand on his knee and another reached out in front of me, I hesitantly took it as he helped me up

"Would you mind waiting in my room? Atleast until the doors open again in the morning? I wouldn't want you to accidentally get in trouble"

I think I was so in shock that I couldn't talk, so I didn't respond, I just shock my head as he kindly smiled and led me to his room, it was one I peered in earlier, the walls were red and were covered by various versions of him, and in the corner was a couch, with a few stuffed animals on it

"Please make yourself comfortable!"

He smiled down at me as he went to go close the blinds, probably so no one sees him snuggling me in

I sighed and sat awkwardly on the couch, eyeing the stuffed animals on it

"If you need something softer for comfort, please use one of them"

I bit my lip as I picked up a small stuffed freddy, and laid against a bigger one, letting any tears fall out of my eyes

"Do you have food on you?"

I slowly shook my head

"That's alright! I just don't want you to go hungry or dehydrated"

His chest cavity opened up, it was a bit scary to watch but inside was water bottles and snacks

"I'm supposed to give this out to lost guest" he placed the next to me

"You should definitely drink the water, you've been crying for a while, superstar"

The way he calls me superstar made me feel very comforted, so when he sat down next to me I moved to lean on him, which I think made him flustered since he started to play with his hands

"Sorry I stared at you during the show, you really caught my eye"

He nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his neck

"Oh, it's alright, if I'm being honest I didn't think you actually were looking at me, there were so many other people there, I just thought you were looking at that area in general"

He stayed silent for a while until speaking up

"I did see a group of females next to you leave, I normally watch out for that, I also saw them whisper something to each other and point at you while you were guarding your eyes from the light"

He almost looked embarrassed, like it was his fault that they ditched me

"Well, maybe it was a good thing they left, because I got to meet you"

I leaned up and kissed his cheek, then laid back down on his shoulder, falling asleep

Once I opened I noticed I was still in freddies room, the neon lights were shooting through the slightly opened curtains. I soon realized that freddy was no longer here, he was replaced by a comfortable pillow, and I was now wrapped by a blanket, I looked down on the floor, the snacks and water were still there, both there was now a note, I took both a bottle of water and the note, reading it while I drank

Hey superstar! I had to leave to do some stuff but I'll be back soon! The doors are unlocked so you may leave whenever! You're also allowed to wait here for me to arrive!

-Freddy Fazbear xoxo <3

He had shockingly good hand writing for an animatronic, I smiled as i gently folded the note and placed it in my pocket

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