He made and offended look glancing sideways again before fishing his gaze back on me.

"I'm really goo..."

"...yes whatever, You would look more like the water boy, but I'm not judging," I gave him a wicked grin. Glancing up at our teacher, he flipped me a middle finger and I laughed softly.

I turned my attention towards the boy introducing himself at the end of my row. This was torture and I personally want to meet the asshole who invented school. There was a loud knock on the classroom door, drawing everyone's attention to Curtis who looked down at a paper in his hand for a while unbeknownst to Mrs. Lucero's stare on him. It didn't surprise me, Curtis was always oblivious.

"The session is almost up," Mrs. Lucero said dropping her eyes to her watch then back at Curtis who looked up with a sheepish smile as he scratched the back of his head. "You can wait outside."

Curtis scanned his eyes around the room before they stopped on me, smiling as if he'd won a trophy, before mouthing the words, "I'll be at the library."

I nodded, watching as he waved at the annoyed teacher before making his way down the hall. It wasn't even a minute after the introduction started again and the look on Mrs. Lucero's face was one of complete boredom. I was definitely not looking farward to her class this year.

The bell rang, answering my prayers and I didn't wait a second to grab my bag as some of the boys from the back basically ran to the door stripping one of their friends while laughing like idiots, which they were. I could've come up with a lot of wrong things that could go wrong by that simple game they were stupidly playing. I rolled my eyes and put my bag on my back.

"What class do you have next?"

I turned my head slightly, staring at Theo with raised brows.


I tilt my head and smiled, "I'm trying to figure out if you're a psychopath who's going to get obsessed with me and kidnap me before the end of the semester like those Wattpad books I read." I told him honestly.

Theo reeled back, a look of bewilderment on his features as he held his hand out, "Wow, no. I'm...trying to be friendly."

"That's what they all say."

"That's what an innocent person would say. And why would I kidnap you, you have a big ass head, you're short and you look like a demon," Theo laughed and my smile dropped.

"I look like a demon?" I asked him.

"Yes, especially with that forehead of yours," He replied.

"Comment about my head again and I'll hurt you," I threatened, pointing a finger at him to which he looked down at with an amused smile and a raised brow.

"You even have short fingers..."


We both turned around to look at the person who interrupted our conversation. The principal flicked her gaze from Theo to me and I shrunk under her gaze. She was intimidating as hell, I've never spoken to her at all nor have I ever been inside her office more for the fact that I was a well behaved student. From the times I heard her scolding some of the students and the way she stared everyone down I knew she was as strict as they come, at least, I think she is.

"We need to talk."

Theo smiled at me before following his mother. I watched as they walked away before turning around hitting my head hard against something hard which turned out to be Xena's big tough head.

"Ow," she cupped her forehead before looking at me, "Who's that?"

"I thought you knew everyone at this school?"

"I do. I haven't seen him before," she answered, looking at me curiously.

"Niether have I," I told her and she scrunched her face up as if thinking.

"Whatever. He's cute, tho," Xena answered, wiggling her eyebrows at me before making a sad face as she brought her hands up to squeeze my cheeks, "Is he going to devirginize my baby?"

I pushed her hand away, "Please don't. I'm still trying to process why we're friends."

"Because I'm awesome duh." She rolled her eyes, a grin forming on her face.

"So, are we going to ignore the fact that we're late for class?" I questioned.

"Let's do that, besides Mr Cuevas isn't always present for class it's not like we're planning on taking that exam," she answered.

"Then Curtis is at the library."

Loving TheoWhere stories live. Discover now