Business Studies

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After lunch, the gang had to part ways for their chosen subject. Jiseong and Jihoon had business studies. Being the son's of one of the most successful businessmen, business studies wasn't really an option for them. They didn't mind. They had always dreamed of working with their dad, or maybe even running their own companies.

Walking to their classroom, Jihoon looked at his brother before nudging him back into reality. Jiseong shook his head before he put his attention on Jihoon.

"This is so unlike you to zone out in the middle of the day, especially when we have Business Studies." Jihoon said.

"Am I that obvious?" Jiseong asked.

"Yes! You are, what's up?" Jihoon asked.

"When I know for myself, I'll tell you." Jiseong said, letting out a sigh as they walked into the classroom.

They both greeted the teacher before they walked to their seats. They sat at two different ends of the classroom, just to prove to the other students that indeed, The Park Seonghwa produced Geniuses. Once everyone was in the classroom, their teacher started talking.

"I hope you all spent your summer vacation well and did not forget what I thought last term." Mr. Yoon said, "I also hope you didn't forget about the test you had on the last day." He added as he held up the graded papers.

The twins looked at each other and smiled. They didn't forget, they were anxious all vacation waiting for this result. Coming from a household and lineage that has their own companies, failing this subject is like making a mistake in pen and not having any correction tape to fix it.

Mr. Yoon had the papers passed out and faced down that way no one would see their scores. Once he was back at the front of the classroom, he told them to look at their scores. Among the groans of students failing, he heard two students cheered at the same time.

"A perfect score!" Jiseong exclaimed with a happy smile.

"Ninety-Seven, alright!" Jihoon chimed in.

Both boys gave each other an air high five before looking back at their papers.

"Of course you both passed. It's not like your father is the owner of Hwa Designs or anything." A student said as she rolled her eyes.

Jihoon rolled his eyes at her and looked over to his twin, who was glaring at the girl. Jiseong hated when they, the students, use their dad as an excuse for passing business studies, when in fact he and Jihoon are never at home when they study, for any subject that is. Jiseong stood up and had his mouth agape, about to speak before being cut off.

"Someone's parents owning a business or a company, be it small or big, doesn't define them of failing or passing, it's all up to the individual themselves to study and be successful or push there work to the side causing them to flunk or fail."

Jiseong eyes trailed to over to the person who had just spoken. Almost missing his chair as he was about to sit, a pair of eyes fell onto him. Being Jiseong, he sat back down and nervously looked through his paper for mistakes in his perfectly marked exam paper. The male standing chuckled to himself at Jiseong's behavior.

Jihoon smiled as he stood up and clapped, being totally unaware of his brother's state. He was ready to be friends with this person who seemed to be on their side.

"Well said newbie, well said!" Jihoon exclaimed, and the male standing in front of the classroom smiled at him before looking back at Jiseong, who was already staring at him.

"Indeed, that was well stated, Mr. Yang." Mr. Yoon said with a smile and a slight applaud. Turning back to his students with a smile, "This is Yang Yujin. He's new here, so be nice." he said.

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