Running Late

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The morning at the Park's household was oddly quiet for a Monday morning. Yeosang and Seonghwa were snuggled together in their room while their kids were in theirs. They had three kids, the Park Twins, Jihoon, and Jiseong, and their princess Seonhee, who was a year younger than her brothers.

Jiseong was the first to become awake. He stretched before he looked at the clock that hung over his door frame. Immediately seeing the time, he rushed out of his bed and down the hall to wake up his siblings.

"WAKE UP, YOU SMART FARTS! WE'RE LATE!!" He screamed as he banged on their doors.

No matter how annoying his siblings are, he never once called them something that made them feel stupid more than they already were.

The second one to open the door was Seonhee, who walked out wearing her uniform.

"Why aren't you dressed?" She asked as she eyed her brother, who was still in his pajamas.

"YOU WE'RE AWAKE AND DIDN'T WAKE US!?" Jiseong yelled.

Seonhee shrugged as she made her way downstairs with her stuff.

"JIHOON GET YOUR ASTERICS UP, YOU SLEEPY SLOTH!!" Jiseong yelled as he banged on his twin's door.

Once he heard slight movement, he rushed back to his room to get ready. It was seven fifteen, and they had to be at school before eight ten. They are usually dressed by six fifty and down for breakfast, but not this morning.

If this didn't tell you which twin is which, Jiseong is the one who's the most responsible, the perfectionist, and always makes sure everything works out, well, most times. Jihoon is more on the less responsible side. He loves to act before thinking. He could careless if his shoes matched or not. He was the carefree one. They were like Zac and Cody but Asian.

Jiseong hurriedly got ready, making sure his uniform had no flaws and his hazelnut colored hair was neat. He made his way downstairs with his stuff. He saw Seonhee sitting at the table going through some notes while munching on an apple.

"Where's your brother?" He asked as he made some coffee.

"I'm right here, please no more yelling." Jihoon answered as he walked into the kitchen.

Jiseong looked at him and let out a sigh. Jihoon's newly dye strawberry blonde hair was messy, his first two buttons was undone on his shirt as well as it was out of his pants, his tie was halfway done and he wore two different colors of converse.

"At least your cardigan is perfect." Jiseong stated

Seonhee looked at her brother before looking back at her notes. Jihoon looked at her then at Jiseong, then at her again.

"Why are you reviewing notes when we just came back from summer break?" Jihoon asked.

He mumbled out a thank you to his twin who handed him a cup of coffee and a toast.

"Mrs. Yeon sent us an email on Saturday saying we have a review test." Seonhee said with a fake cry followed.

The twins looked at each other and let out a laugh before looking back at her. No matter how much they loved each other, the teasing never stopped.

"Good luck, my lovely sister."
"Good luck, my lovely sister."

They said at the exact time, causing Seonhee to smirk before laughing at them. She knew how much they disliked having moments like that unless they were agreeing on something.

"I thought it first!"
"I thought it first!"

They said again at the same time, making their sister crack up more. They threw a small glare at each other.

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